what interventions are most effective in descreasing prescription drug misuse amond adolescents ?
Interventions are most effective in decreasing prescription drug misuse among adolescents?
The fastest-growing drug problem in the United States is not cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamines. It is prescription drugs, and it is profoundly affecting the lives of teenagers. Prescription drug misuse and abuse is when someone takes a medication inappropriately (National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIDA). Sadly, prescription drug misuse and abuse among young people is not an insignificant problem. Educating adolescents and their parents about the risks of drug misuse and abuse can play a role in combating the problem. Safe storage and disposal of medications diminish opportunities for easy access. Doctors more readily hand out prescription painkillers than they did 10 years ago. Doctors and pharmacies should better monitor how and how often drugs are prescribed.
Fire Warm/dry Yellow bile Choleric Quick to anger
Earth Cold/dry Black bile Melancholy Melancholic
Water Cold/moist Phlegm Phlegmatic Placid/Sluggish
The Four-Temperament Theory is quite popular because the world as we all know is infinitely complex and people tend to look for simple ways to understand themselves and others. Beyond that though, this theory actually has universal traits that people can attribute to themselves to various degrees. This theory makes a large attempt to objectively assign defined categories of universally applicable descriptive words that apply to colossal numbers of people. Yet, when people apply groups to themselves and others, they think they have specific information. Truly they may have a little colossal approximation that could be partly real in an extremely finished sense. This is devoted to in critique works such as the Barnum Effect, named after the circus showman P. T. Barnum.
Avicenna (980-1037) who was a Persian doctor expanded Galen’s theory by adding emotional aspects, mental capacity, moral attitude, self-awareness, movements and dreams to it. While Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) another great and important philosopher, in his book talked about his own understanding of temperament which he still referred to as Galen did in the same terms. The twist in his own research as opposed to Galen’s, is that, he posits that each temperament is basically independent and there can be no combination.
Between the late 19th to mid 20th century, theorists like Eric Adicks (1866-1928) a German Philosopher whose work is a reflection on Kant, asserts that people can be differentiated by their dominant world view. He also proposed four types of personalities: the Innovative [who are changers and pioneers], the Traditional [who are conservatives], the Doctrinaires [who seek what will be of value to human], and the Skepticals [who call everything into question]. William James (1842-1910) also has a similar opinion with Eric Adick’s. He, however, goes further by making a distinction between rationalists and empiricists, these set of personalities can be observed in the way they handle facts. He expatiates by stating that while rationalists are tender-minded, empiricists are tough-minded.
Another theorist, Eduard Spranger (1882-1962) saw personality as what each person values the most, which also determines the world view of each individual. He classified these values into six different types (Social, Economic, Theoretical, Aesthetic, Political and religious). These values, in relation to whichever chosen by an individual, will determine the personality that individual embraces.