Give a brief introduction of Disney. Present some basic information about the size of the company, its history, and how it is organized. In addition, present some information about the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the company. Does the company follow Friedman’s or Carroll’s view of social responsibility?
Topic should be at least two page in length, double-spaced, and in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. To complete this assignment, a minimum of three reputable sources must be used, cited, and referenced. Use APA style guidelines.
Introduction of Disney
On October 16, 1923, Walt Disney and his brother Roy found the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio in Hollywood, California. The studio, now known as the Walt Disney Company, has had an oversized impact on the entertainment industry and is now the largest media companies in the world. The Walt Disney Company has a cooperative multidivisional (M-form) organizational structure that focuses on business type. A multidivisional or M-form organizational structure is common in diversified company. In this company analysis case, Disney specifically uses the cooperative M-form corporate structure. Disney`s commitment to social responsibility includes protecting the planet, championing diversity and inclusion, respecting human rights, contributing to communities, investing in our employees, and creating high-quality entertainment.
The 2005 study “The Effects of Music Listening on Work Performance”, looked at the effect of music on the following three items: state positive affect, work quality, and time on task of computer information system developers. The data was collected over a period of 5 weeks. It was discovered that with no music, state positive affect and quality of work were at its lowest while time on task was longest. When interviewed, the developers stated that listening to music increased their positive mood and enhanced their perception of design while working. There are many studies that examine what is known as the Mozart effect. In a study, listening to “Mozart heightens or optimizes emotional levels, which results in higher performance on intelligence tests” (Jones & Estelle, 2007). Thus, these studies indicate that there is a positive relationship with the use of music listening in the workplace.
Music listening has been claimed to help with intellectual abilities. There is an abundance of evidence that indicates music performance enhances cognition. It does have the ability to create short-term and long-term effects. According to, Music and Cognitive abilities “music promotes intellectual development because of its inherently abstract nature” (Schellenberg, 2005). The benefits of listening to music extend beyond other stimuli used in different studies (ex. Cup of coffee). “Music that is pleasant and enjoyed by a particular listener is the most likely to have positive impacts on the listeners’ emotional state, and positive influences on emotional state can improve cognitive performance” (Schellenberg & Hallum, 2005). There is an interdependence between emotional and cognitive processes. Music can be considered a natural antidepressant (Leubner, 2017). If a student is emotionally relaxed, they are able to perform better on cognitive test.
Music in relation to academic performance and GPA goes hand in hand when putting together. When students study for a test or actively taking participating in a test or pop quiz music can aid in their help to stay focused and concentrating on their work. The dependent variable of academic achievement is the grade point average (GPA). It accurately reflects a student’s academic performance. Observing different studies, listening to music while studying reflects a higher GPA. A study conducted in 2012 on high school students standardized test scores shows the positive relationship between involvement with music will increase the test scores of students. “When listen to before performing certain cognitive task, ‘primes’ the brain as opposed to silence or calming musing” (Mallory, 2012). Both learning and music is pro