One of the most time-consuming and expensive actions undertaken by a human resource professional involves investigating and subsequently disciplining misconduct by an employee. The repercussions for making a mistake are certainly detrimental to an employee and can be catastrophic to an organization. In that light, discuss the following:
Present the two most important steps/actions in an investigation of an employee. In other words, to what two aspects of the investigatory process should a human resource professional pay most attention, in your estimation?Finally, assess the two most important factors a human resource professional should consider when determining the proper and fair level of discipline that should be taken against an employee who was found “guilty” following an investigation.
Investigating and subsequently disciplining misconduct by an employee
A complaint just came in through your company`s reporting system and, being the cautious and thorough HR professional that you are, you have decided it warrants investigation. What now? Human resource investigations can be a very sensitive matter, so as a HR professional you will want to be sure you are following all relevant laws and protecting your company and employees. Having an HR investigation protocol will help make sure you are conducting HR investigations fairly. An HR protocol also prevents you from acting based on emotions rather than evidence. Important aspects of investigatory process an HR professional should pay most attention include: take any necessary immediate action – HR professionals are cautioned against immediate terminating or disciplining an employee without first gathering an appropriate amount of evidence. But there are instances where you will need to take action as soon as you receive a complaint.
While exploiting at the outset on non-linguistic substances, semiology is requisite, to explore language in its path, not only as a theory, but also as unit, relay or signified. Semiology is perhaps doomed to be assimilated into a trans-linguistics, the materials of which may be myth, narrative, journalism, or on the other hand objects of modernization, in so far as they are spoken. On this note, the Roland Barthes (1964) came up with distinctive and widely acceptable elements of Semiology. They are; Language and speech Signified and signifier Syntagm and systems Denotation and connotation Language and Speech Barthes (1964) enforced the concepts of language, or the part of the Semiological system which is consented upon by society, and speech, or the individual choice of symbols, to Semiological systems. The application of these concepts can be supplied to the Semiological study of the food system. According to Barthes (1964), someone is free to create his/her own menu, using personal choices in food mixtures, and this will become their speech or message. This is done with the overall national and social structures of the language of food mind. Barthes (1964) then spread on Saussure’s terms, by explaining that language is not really socially determined by the masses, but is sometimes decided by a certain minute group of persons, somewhat changing the correlation of language and speech. Barthes (1964) exact that a Semiological system can importantly exist in which there is language, but little or no speech. In this case, Barthes (1964) was of the believe that a third element called matter, which would provide signification would need to be added to the language/speech system. Signifier and Signified