Investigative Branding Exercise



Conduct a comparative analysis of three products within one category (you must select two manufacturer brands and one private-label brand). Complete each task in the order presented below. This is an individual assignment. In under 1000 words, prepare a written discussion on the tasks listed below. Number each task clearly and follow the instructions exactly. Within your discussion, incorporate concepts from class wherever possible, and place them in BOLD. Marks are awarded by task, see below for a breakdown of marks.

Submit word document or PDF to Assignment #4 dropbox in D2L by March 19th at 11:59pm. Title page (name, student number, date, assignment #4) and list of at least 3 references required. Word limit: 1000 words. 12-point font. Do not submit a “Pages” file, as this is not compatible with D2L. Provide images of the three products in an Appendix.

Evaluation: Grading will be based on accuracy, effort and links to theory. Late assignments will receive a zero. Failure to follow instructions will result in grade deductions. Total: 36 marks

Task 1: Select a retailer (general merchandise, home improvement, electronics etc.), visit the retailer’s online store and select a category. Wander the virtual aisles and observe the variety of categories and products within each category. Select one category to be the focus of your investigation (e.g. laptops are a category, however Dell is a national brand of computers). Provide a brief description of the retailer, and the category that you selected. (3 marks)

Task 2: Comparative analysis of products. Focusing on the category that you’ve chosen, identify two manufacturer brands and one private label brand within the category. Provide a brief description of each product including what the product is, the brand, and its retail price. If there are any promotions happening related to any of your selected products, please also describe them. Include photos in an appendix. (9 marks)

Task 3: Describe the target market for each of the three brands. Include at least 5 points for each brand regarding demographics, psychosocial and shopping behaviour. This information should come from personal observations and research on the retailer. Format this question in a table format. (15 marks)

Task 4: Conduct a cost/benefits analysis. Which item provides the greatest “value” (Benefits-Costs) to consumers? To answer this question, perform a breakdown of the benefits-costs of all aspects of the product. Provide a descriptive, comparative analysis of the three products. Look at online reviews, ingredients, pricing, etc. Look at all factors to identify which product provides the greatest value. Also, identify the type of private-label branding (premium, parallel, exclusive, generic), and provide a concluding statement regarding your analysis. (9 marks)



Sample Solution

Ronald Reagan`s presidency

Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6, 1911-June 5, 2004) was an American politician who served as the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989 and became a highly influential voice of modern conservatism. He is noted for his conservative Republicanism, his fervent anticommunism, and his appealing personal style, characterized by a jaunty affability and folksy charm. The only movie actor ever to become president, he had a remarkable skill as an orator that earned him the title “the Great Communicator.” His policies have been credited with contributing to the demise of Soviet communism during the 1980s. Reagan will be remembered as the president who reversed the decades-old flow of power to Washington. By dismantling some federal programs, and reducing others, he forced the states and the cities to assume more responsibility for running their own shows.


Arrangement, with regards to composing, requires the creator to ace the expertise of remaining on theme for the sum of the paper (Jones, 2016). Staying on subject and just including significant data to the paper can be troublesome however will make a durable and efficient paper. The association and arrangement of the paper ought to be evident in the theme, issue, reason and the outlines the essayist incorporates into the insightful composition; keeping coherence of subject all through those areas of the paper will demonstrate legitimate arrangement. One approach to guarantee coherence is to make a proposal and fitting examination inquiries to sealing said theory. The creator will keep on alluding back to the proposition and questions when investigating the sources, writing, and information being incorporated into the paper. Accomplishing arrangement will help convince perusers and increment the likeliness of perusing perception by exhibiting sharp spotlight on tending to the postulation and addressing the examination questions explicitly.

Article One

Shahwan created an investigation finished in 2016 with respect to and fittingly titled, “Connection between ‘Power-Distance’ and Employee Performance in Multi-National Organizations” which planned for giving bosses some understanding into precisely surveying representative execution in a multi-social business.


This present investigation’s point was to set up the impacts of “intensity separation” and the effect it has on representative execution. Power separation is term authored by Geer Hofstede when he set up a structure from which to dissect societies (Shahwan, 2016). This paper offers a subjective investigation of determined issues that damage or fix working environment connections.


The need of this investigation originates from the need to comprehend the social contrasts that should be comprehended when assessing worker execution (Shahwan, 2016). This understanding must originate from something other than the HR division, or the immediate supervisor. Consequently, assessing and understanding social contrasts and how representative’s exhibition is influenced by these distinctions is important to incorporate into work execution assessments (Shahwan, 2016). The creators demonstrate the holes in research encompassing the social varieties and their impacts on worker execution. This absence of comprehension from representatives to associations’ CEO can contrarily effect work execution anyplace on the range between brought work execution down to outrageous worker disappointment (Shahwan, 2016).

Research Questions

The creator came the exploration inquiries down the accompanying: (1) what social measurement Hofstede proposed, affected execution and efficiency at work (2) if any effect was discovered, how much impact the social measurement has on working environment execution (Shahwan, 2016, p.50).


Arrangement between the theme, proposal, reason, writing audit, and research questions was accomplished with this investigation as the writer remained on subject and tended to the proposition and research inquiries all through the paper.

Article Two

Goodstein, J., Butterfield, K., and Neale, N. (2016). Good Repair in the Workplace: A

Subjective Investigation and Inductive Model.


The experience of losing trust is a multi-dimensional encounter. It very well may be felt by those the individuals who have executed or by those whom are experience the less than desirable finish of a wrong-doing and end up loosing trust in another person. The endeavors taken by the guilty party and the reaction evoked in the getting party, is alluded to an “ethical fix”, Goodstien and Butterfield have made an investigation because of what strategies utilized by wrongdoers work and on the off chance that they are influenced by the thought process, strategy for conciliatory sentiment, or both.


This investigation is meaning on tending to the issue of good fix following ruptures of trust. The article centers around the techniques and reactions to the strategies utilized by the wrongdoers to recapture trust. The creators of this investigation were looking for comprehension “moral fix” which involved understanding the statement of regret technique, intention, and what blend of history, strategy, and rationale brings about what sorts of reaction. This investigation looks for a superior comprehend of the stuff to fix a relationship after hurtful occasions that have happened and what should be possible to rescue the relationship.


This investigation expresses what propels the guilty party to scan for reclamation, what moves they make, and why looking for recovery is significant. This examination is useful in the good and social domain because of its effect on how one may apologize and how one may get and statement of regret. Why connections have been damaged, guilty parties that care about the relationship, to recover confidence and respect that has been lost (Goodstein and Butterfield, 2015).

Research Questions

“(1) What components rouse wrongdoers to offer some kind of reparation with those they have hurt? (2) In what ways do guilty parties endeavor to offer some kind of reparation? (3) What results rise up out of endeavors to offer some kind of reparation?” (Goodstein and Butterfield, 2015, pg. 1, para 1).

Article Three

The third and last article being examined is Hartung and Wilson’s 2016 article titled “Conversational Moves That Matter”.


Hartung and Wilson are covering the theme of “learning discussions” which they clarify as discourse that at the same time covers investigation and assessment while reframing a person’s preparing by influencing their (1) thinking (2) suspicions (3) and point of view (Garmston and Wellman, 2009; Power, 2013; Senge, 1994).


The learning discussions are significant and gainful to the learning procedure; explicitly, in a working environment or scholarly based setting. The article is tending to the absence of information about what sorts of connections during the learning discussions were prominent; if any were outstanding, where the remarkable collaborations might they be able to be ordered by learning result.


The reason for the examination is to decide the usefulness of learning discussions in the general learning process, yet more explicitly about sorting any reoccurring learning results as to decide the viability of certain conversational moves (Hartung and Wilson, 2016). The investigation was custom fitted towards the working environment or scholastic setting and underlined the helpfulness of learning discussions in moving a perspective and how to bridle the most valuable conversational moves during learning discussions.

Research Questions

In prior research, Hartung and Wilson plot five explicit learning results, from which they likewise based their investigation in this flow study being analyzed. Utilizing these equivalent five results, the creators formed their examination and strategies. Hartung and Wilson (2016)

Research Question 1: What are the sorts and disseminations of conversational moves that happen in the conversational minutes wherein detailed learning results can be found?

Research Question 2: What, assuming any, conversational moves are altogether connected with various sorts of detailed learning results? (pg 257, para. 4).



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