IP – Professional Liability And Medical Malpractice

The Medical Staff Coordinator has again called upon your expertise in the area of healthcare law. You have been asked to provide a written discussion on professional liability and medical malpractice. You are asked to provide the information outlined below and use research (at least two sources) to substantiate your discussion.

Define liability and malpractice.
Summarize the three areas of general liability for which a physician/employer is responsible.
Discuss the role and purpose of risk management.
Use APA 7 formatting and citation standards. Use at least two (2) scholarly references published within the last 5 years to substantiate your work.


Sample Solution

IP – Professional Liability And Medical Malpractice

Liability is a state of being legally responsible for something. All competent adults are liable or legally responsible for their actions on the job and in their private lives. Malpractice is a dereliction of professional duty or a failure to exercise an ordinary degree of professional skill or learning by one rendering professional services which results in injury, loss, or damage. Medical malpractice occurs when a hospital, doctor or other health care professional, through a negligent act or omission, causes an injury to a patient. The negligence might be the result of errors in diagnosis, treatment, aftercare or health management.

In this exposition I will examine the associations between authority, inspiration and cooperation speculations, how they interface with training in associations and their impediments, offering arrangements where difficulties emerge. The exposition expects to make determinations on the appropriateness of Fiedler’s Contingency Theory of Leadership, Tuckman’s Model of Group Development, Belbin’s Team Theory, and Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory practically speaking, and how intricacies like power and impact shape how they can be applied to best suit what is happening a pioneer faces.

Initiative Contingency based hypotheses of authority recommend that there is no right or most ideal way to lead a gathering, or association, because of the critical number of limitations on a circumstance (Flinsch-Rodriguez, 2019). Fiedler, in his Contingency Theory of Leadership (Fiedler, 1967), proposes that the viability of a gathering is reliant upon the authority styles of the pioneer and their favourability to everything going on. A large part of the hypothesis is laid out around the most un-favored associate scale (LPC). The LPC plans to measure a potential chiefs way to deal with an errand on a size of relationship propelled to task persuaded, where the pioneer fits on the scale permits what is going on to be reasoned, and consequently permits the ID of appropriate pioneers for assignments. The favourableness of the present circumstance relies upon three qualities: pioneer part relations, the help and trust the pioneer as from the gathering; task structure, the clearness of the assignment to the pioneer; and positional power, the power the pioneer needs to evaluate a gatherings execution and give prizes and disciplines (Fiedler, 1967). In the event that the pioneers approach matches what is expected from going on, achievement is anticipated for the gathering. Fiedler’s possibility model offers an extremely severe categorisation of initiative, obviously characterizing which circumstances endlessly won’t bring about progress for an expected pioneer. At the senior administration level of a hierarchal construction inside an association the hypothesis can be applied unreservedly, right off the bat because of the simplicity at which people can be supplanted in the event that their LPC score doesn’t match that expected of everything going on (Pettinger, 2007). Besides, and in particular, is to guarantee that the senior administration are ideally suited to effectively lead the association. Be that as it may, further down the progressive system Fielder’s possibility hypothesis starts to hold substantially less importance, it becomes unreasonable according to a hierarchical point of view because of the quantity of individuals at this degree of administration. The strategies of coordinating the pioneer with their most un-favored associate is difficult to reliably accomplish, so a more continuum based approach is required. Figure 1: Chelladurai’s Multi-Dimensional Model of Leadership (Miller and Cronin, 2012)

There are other possibility hypotheses that give a more continuum based approach like Redding’s hypothesis of administration and the board, but Fielder’s portrayal of how situational factors influence the authority style expected for everything going on is incredibly helpful in grasping the basics of initiative (Pettinger, 2007). Chelladurai in his Multi Dimensional Model of Leadership, develops a lot of Fiedler’s hypothesis yet in a continuum based approach, in which the pioneer can adjust their authority style to fit everything going on (Chelladurai and Madella, 2006). Chelladurai’s hypothesis is taken from sports brain science however can be applied to a hierarchical situation. It gives a considerably more exact categorisation of assignment structure, obviously separating a plenty of circumstances that require specific administration styles for progress. Chealld

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