Case #1. Read Grievance Discussion case 1: Is an Adoptive Mother Entitled to Maternity Leave?
on page 335 and answer these questions:
1. As an attorney for Bainbridge Borough, develop a case to support the council’s rejection of Carol Fern’s unpaid maternity leave request.
2. As an attorney for AFSCME local 10, develop an argument to support your client’s contention that the council’s rejection of Carol Fern’s unpaid maternity leave request violated the collective bargaining agreement.
3. As an arbitrator, how would you rule? Why?
Case #6. Read Grievance Discussion Case 6: Work Requirements for Holiday Pay on page 342 and answer these questions:
1. Assume the role of director of human resources for Saga Food Services. How would you present your case that John Arnett is not entitled to his holiday pay for Labor Day?
2. As a business agent for Local 444, how would you argue that John Arnett is due his holiday pay?
3. As an arbitrator, how would you rule? Why?
he Pros and Cons of Automated Facial Recognition are expanded below.
The Pros of the Automated Facial Recognition is that since the introduction of the 3Dimensional images finding people based on the images have become really authentic and exact compared to the earlier versions. It takes the image and rotates it till it finds the face of the inputted image.
Furthermore, Automated Facial Recognition compared to other forms of security systems like fingerprint scanners are quicker and much easier to use. Which means no one will have to worry about their identity being messed up by a burn on their finger or even a minor paper cut.
Facial recognition has a major benefit when it comes to security. Employees can enter their place of work using a facial recognition system for identification processes.
When used at work, it has another major benefit. No worker can sign in at work for another worker or as another worker, and no intruder will be able to access or trespass where they are not needed for example the manager’s office.
The Cons of Automated Recognition Software;
Every form of technology has its flaws which prevents it from working as desired.
The cons of a facial recognition system are that growing a facial hair can interfere with the recognition of a person. This can be simply resolved by getting the database updated periodically if they grow or shave their facial hair.
It can also mistake a person based on their weight change. The infrared cameras mostly do not mistake one individual for another but substantial weight changes can cause the software to misidentify individuals. However, like the facial hair problem we can solve this issue by periodically updating the software’s database.
Big Brother.
The word big brother originally comes from George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. The dictionary describes dystopia as “A society characterized by operession, misery and often totalitarian form of government that attempts to stop out individual freedoms in favour of the state’s absolute power”. This simply means we live in a world where we are convincing by the government that we are well cared for and protected. Unfortunately we are told what to do and how to do it, we are told what to eat and when to eat it. If anyone goes against the laws of big brother they will be persecuted and punished. To expand further, we are being monitored 24/7 by cctv cameras and we are forced to believe that the cameras are there to protect us. All these adverts on television telling us to eat healthy and to visit the gym