Isolation of Caffeine from Tea Report



Below is the link to this weeks lab video. I extracted caffeine from TEA!!! Watch it! You don’t technically have a home lab or simulation, but you will need to watch this video as if you, yourself, performed the experiment and then write up a full length lab report as laid out in the syllabus. Please let me know if you have any questions!

The following is an outline of what your instructor expects to see in your lab reports. As long as the order and main titles (presented below in bold type) are present, the style is completely up to each student. A carbon copy laboratory notebook is required, and all work should be recorded directly in the notebook, not on scratch paper, as the work is performed. The written laboratory report includes the following areas:

Name, Lab section or day/time and the complete title of the experiment should be written in the provided section on the top of each page.
The Objective should indicate the purpose of the experiment in 1 to 2 sentences be clear and concise. If the experiment involves synthesizing a compound, meaning you make something new, please include a reaction scheme.
A reagent table labeled as Physical and Chemical Properties of Reagents. Within this table should be the appropriate physical and chemical properties such as molar mass, melting point, boiling point, density, refractive index, amount needed, and at least one hazard and safety precaution for each substance. You can find this information in the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics or online at a credible website, such as or and the proper reference should be indicated below the table. Calculations of theoretical yield and limiting reagent should be written below this table if the experiment is a synthesis.
Equipment/Apparatus section will include a list of common glassware or equipment needed, such as spatula, Erlenmeyer flask etc. OR you may be required to draw and label the apparatus primarily used in the experiment of the day unless the apparatus had been used in a previous experiment, such as distillation.
Since you will be observing the experiments in a video format I want you to write the Procedure according to your observations and my narration. This way, it will be in your own words and in a manner that you understand! Yay! It should, however, be written such that any organic chemist can perform the experiment when using these procedures. It may be a flow chart, paragraph, or bullet point as an example. The first time you perform a certain technique, for example, a distillation, you must describe how to set up and perform the distillation. If a subsequent experiment requires a distillation, you may simply state that the liquid was distilled.


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How Autism Affects One’s Life

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mental imbalance brainMental issue and hardships can take endless structures. Some of them can demolish the lives of the individuals who bear them, others are milder, and this causes practically no burdens to an individual. Among mental clutters that don’t completely debilitate an individual, one should make reference to chemical imbalance (in spite of the fact that it is far fetched it very well may be alluded to as a confusion). In spite of the fact that its inclination and causing factors are not yet completely considered, it’s anything but a mystery that individuals with chemical imbalance—in spite of the fact that confronting certain bothers in regards to social mix and collaboration—can live a practically ordinary and satisfied life. In any case, there are idiosyncrasies and troubles inseparably connected with chemical imbalance.

Most of issues brought about by chemical imbalance are pretty much identified with speaking with others, getting them, and creating successful social collaboration. These issues start from youth; youngsters with mental imbalance will in general show more enthusiasm for natural sounds instead of in the sound of individuals talking. This regularly makes medically introverted youngsters look occupied, or not intrigued by what others state. It doesn’t mean they can’t typically impart however: mentally unbalanced people can utilize broad jargon and long sentences. And yet, non-verbal correspondence, for example, non-verbal communication or outward appearances, is regularly overlooked and unused by mentally unbalanced people (The Hanen Center). This makes them be misconstrued.

Another issue that medically introverted individuals face is an absence of compassion. As a rule, sympathy is a capacity to comprehend what others feel; as indicated by Simon Baron-Cohen, numerous medically introverted individuals do not have the capacity to see things from someone else’s point of view. Individuals typically begin to build up this ability roughly at five years old: at this age, kids can form bits of knowledge into others’ sentiments and aims (regularly based, incidentally, on non-verbal correspondence). An autist, in any case, has little to none of these translation abilities, and in this way stays uninformed about goals, emotions, and thought processes of individuals encompassing the person in question (Synapse). In this way, chemical imbalance not just motivations others to misconstrue an autist; it additionally keeps an autist from comprehension encompassing individuals, subsequently just developing the correspondence hole.

As a result of the idea of mental imbalance, individuals with this issue (or let us better consider it a characteristic) frequently require being encompassed by a particular situation wherein they would feel good to work and cooperate. Medically introverted people frequently need unbending conditions; they have a solid adherence to explicit schedules or customs in day by day life, and even the smallest change in them can summon animosity or daze and self-seclusion. Medically introverted individuals frequently create stereotyped and dreary engine practices including fingers, hands, or the entire body, so it is additionally required that encompassing individuals don’t taunt them, spoof them, or ridicule mentally unbalanced individual’s propensities in some other manner (

Chemical imbalance changes a person’s life in an amazingly explicit manner. The principle difficulties any mentally unbalanced individual countenances is identified with correspondence and cooperation with others; because of the eccentricities of this issue, for an autist, it is difficult to comprehend others. Simultaneously, others additionally have issues with comprehension (or regularly seeing) and medically introverted person. This seclusion is extended by a mentally unbalanced individual’s requirement for a unique domain and inflexible conditions around them.


“Impacts of Autism on Social Development.” Synapse. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Aug. 2015.

“How Autism Affects Communication in Young Children.” N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Aug. 2015.

“Chemical imbalance.” Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Aug. 2015.

paper about existence, wellbeing




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