Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5-7 (the “Sermon on the Mount”


Focus your discussion this week on Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5-7 (known as the “Sermon on the Mount”),
especially Matt 5:17-48 where Jesus fulfills and modifies the Old Testament law and prophets. Choose two of
the teachings here (regarding murder, adultery, divorce, oaths, retaliation or love for enemies) and discuss both
how they fulfill the Old Testament teaching and the extent to which you think they can actually be followed in
the real world. If you think Jesus’ words can be fully followed, what would this look like? If Jesus’ demands are
not practical, how do you interpret his words? Defend your views briefly


Sample Solution

The Sermon on the Mount, particularly Matthew 5:17-48, presents a fascinating perspective on how Jesus fulfills and expands upon the Old Testament Law. Let’s delve into two teachings:

  1. Murder vs. Anger (Matthew 5:21-26):
  • Old Testament: The Law prohibited murder (Exodus 20:13).
  • Fulfillment: Jesus goes deeper, addressing the root of murder – anger. He condemns anger leading to insults and even hateful thoughts, highlighting the importance of reconciliation with others (Matthew 5:22-24).

Real-world application:

  • Fully following this teaching requires immense self-control and emotional intelligence. We can manage anger through forgiveness practices, open communication, and seeking help when needed.
  • Achieving complete elimination of anger might not be practical, but striving to resolve conflict peacefully and avoiding hateful thoughts aligns with the spirit of Jesus’ teaching.
  1. Adultery vs. Lust (Matthew 5:27-28):
  • Old Testament: The Law forbade adultery (Exodus 20:14).
  • Fulfillment: Jesus emphasizes the importance of purity of heart. He condemns lustful thoughts as tantamount to adultery itself (Matthew 5:28).

Real-world application:

  • Fully adhering to this teaching demands a high level of self-discipline and control over one’s thoughts.
  • While eliminating fleeting attractions might be unrealistic, focusing on maintaining a pure heart and resisting actions based on lust aligns with the message.


Jesus’ teachings challenge us to move beyond the outward actions addressed in the Old Testament Law and focus on the internal motivations and thought processes.

  • They are a call to a higher standard of living, one rooted in love, forgiveness, and self-control.
  • Perhaps full adherence isn’t achievable in every situation, but striving towards these ideals can significantly improve our character and relationships.
  • Jesus’ words can be interpreted as a guide for personal growth and a reminder of the importance of constantly working towards inner transformation.


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