Joint Commission

Write one page about The Joint Commission (TJC) and its concerns about ethics of home health care.
Explain why social workers are needed in this environment.
Explain why pain control an issue.
List at least two references and use titles for each topic.

Sample Answer

The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations has increased its attention to patient rights in the past decades. Included in this emphasis is a requirement for a mechanism for solving conflicts. This body has broadened the reach of ethics and patient rights to include a similar function-based requirement for an institutional code of ethical behavior. That is to say the Joint Commission is concerned with how institution conducts itself or operates in each day activity. This paper will therefore look at the place of social workers in such environment and how pain control an issue in such environment.

The Factors Effecting the Unwillingness of Physicians to take an interest in the Family Physical Program in Tehran's Province Health System


Presentation: The present examination is an endeavor to study the purposes behind the doctors' hesitance to partake in the family physical program in the Tehran Province wellbeing framework.

Techniques: Considering this reason, the examination is a connected work helped out through a correlative strategy in Tehran's Province Health System in 2012.(IRAN) The investigation populace was included every one of the doctors in the Tehran Province wellbeing framework. Members were chosen through evaluation. A poll was utilized for information gathering and the information were broke down utilizing SPSS16.

Results: The mean purpose of financial stage, work conditions, wellbeing, welfare, basic hierarchical, and social-social issues in the wellbeing focuses under investigation were not as much as midpoint. Moreover, a factually noteworthy relationship was found between these issues and the inclination of doctors to partake in the family doctor program (P<0.05).

Determination: The outcomes showed a huge connection between the issues of doctors and their propensity to participate in the family doctor program in Tehran. Given the need of making inspiration among doctors to participate in the program successfully and unyieldingly, tackling the doctors' issues has all the earmarks of being powerful in propelling the doctors in such manner.

Catchphrases: Family Physician, Referral System, Problems of Family Physicians, Health Centers


Wellbeing is one of the chief rights and a significant capital at each social level [1]. Along the principle goal of the national wellbeing framework, which is to improve general wellbeing where the solid natives have ability to partake in monetary and social exercises [2], there are different undertakings to be satisfied by the wellbeing framework. These assignments incorporate raising trust in a solid life, reacting to sensible desires for people in general, lessening social holes (social equity) and giving money related inclusion to therapeutic administrations [1]. It is fundamental, in this way, to plan and receive an appropriate model for wellbeing administrations to acknowledge wellbeing targets, keep up/improve wellbeing, and improve equivalent access to wellbeing administrations.

In such manner, many have upheld the possibility of a wellbeing framework where all residents paying little heed to their living condition and spot (even those living in remote territories) approach satisfactory specific wellbeing administrations. Such administrations are given by the offices where specialists are prepared dependent on the accessible assets in the most limited plausible time and for sensible expenses as required by social and time obliges [3].

Truth be told, family doctor projects and referral frameworks are in accordance with the acknowledgment of an essential consideration wellbeing framework that realizes significant potential assets towards the improvement of the wellbeing states of the general public [4].

The family doctor program is a far reaching wellbeing framework and among the fundamental accomplishments of this program are helping individuals to allude to the correct authority and an expansion in the open fulfillment of wellbeing administrations [2]. Also, the American Physician Academy accepts that the family doctor framework is the best and best approach to give wellbeing administrations to patients [3].

Disregarding this, the legislature of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in participation with the Ministry of Welfare and Social Security, Ministry of Health, Treatment, Medical Education, and Health Service Insurance Org. set off a rustic medical coverage programs through a referral framework dependent on a family doctor program in 2005. This program, considered as one of the primary components of wellbeing framework advancement, was intended to extend the medical coverage inclusion and to elevate equivalent access to wellbeing symptomatic administrations [5].

Notwithstanding providing wellbeing administrations required by the general population, the family doctor program averts carelessness of patients' privilege or any maltreatment of individuals' have to wellbeing administrations [1].

Given that the family doctor program is an across the nation program and all protection associations take an interest in this program, it is basic to review the exhibition of the program in regards to usage, quality, and amount of the administrations gave to safeguarded patients. By this overview, the shortcoming and points of interest of the program can be featured. Therefore, the family doctor program may prompt monstrous changes in treatment conduct models just as changes in utilization designs in this field [6].

Santos and Amado accept that the learning of a family doctor to give essential consideration administrations prompts a long haul connection between the family and the doctor; which is a favorable position of the family doctor program [7].

Also, positioning the wellbeing administrations by the referral framework gives the general population in need access to increasingly particular administrations dependent on their actual needs [8].

At first, the referral visits the family doctor and, if necessary, the doctor prescribes them to an extraordinary professional. The uncommon expert, at that point, checks the patients, does the required measures, records the measures in the patients' document, and returns the patients to the family doctor [9].

In spite of the fact that, the family doctor program is at first intended to improve community to human services frameworks and cuts the superfluous restorative expenses, there are confirmations that the program isn't free of shortcomings [10].

In his investigation titled "difficulties of family doctors in the realm of the 1980s" Donald Rice (1980), examined the status of family doctors and difficulties in front of them in various nations and featured some primary difficulties including budgetary help for the alumni, pay of the doctors and the staff from network sources, etc.

After the execution of wellbeing systems, family doctors are the following greatest change in wellbeing frameworks, which guarantees to take care of huge numbers of the issues of the wellbeing framework. It is sensible to anticipate an assortment of financial, social, and social issues in front of the program and disappointments to survive. These issues compromise first degree of administrations and the weakness'. Most importantly, taking care of an issue needs building up an exact understanding to the issue. Breaking down the causes and the components powerful on high turnovers of family doctors is the initial step to achieve a correct strategy to improve wellbeing administrations across the country.


The investigation is a spellbinding scientific work done on the Tehran Province wellbeing framework in 2012. Given confusion of the locale under investigation and affectability of the issue, an evaluation was taken in the framework and every one of the 100 doctors in the framework consented to take an interest. No testing was done in this examination and all the investigation populace participated in the overview.

Polls were utilized for social event the information. These surveys were isolated into two areas. The main segment incorporated the statistic data of the individuals who had partook in the overview. The subsequent area incorporated the inquiries which demonstrated the reluctance of the doctors towards the family doctor program. The aftereffects of these surveys were characterized into five primary tomahawks; 1-monetary factors (questions 1-6); 2-work conditions, wellbeing, welfare, and instructive factors (questions 7-12); 3-efficient hierarchical factors (questions 13-18); 4-authoritative regulatory factors (questions 19-24); and 5-social and social factors (questions 25-30). The poll was structured dependent on Likert's five-point scale.

The legitimacy of the polls was endorsed by ten specialists. Additionally, the steadiness was picked up by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient test. The gathered information were broke down utilizing elucidating and inferential measurements in SPSS. Among elucidating insights recurrence, recurrence rate, mean, and standard deviation were utilized. Likewise so as to review the freedom/reliance of the factors, Chi Square was utilized as inferential insights.


Female and male members comprised 65% and 35% of the example bunch individually. Moreover, 24% of the members were unmarried and 76% were hitched. With respect to status, 68% had lifetime business and 32% were utilized in the program for a particular time.

The normal age of the members was 34 and the most youthful and most seasoned members were 25 and 54 years of age separately. Also, 23% of the members were at the age scope of 25-35, 58% were at the age scope of 35-45; and 19% were at the age scope of 45-55. Work records likewise demonstrated that the most minimal work experience was 1 year and the most elevated work experience was 29 years. By and large, the members had 10 years of work involvement; 30% under 19 years, half between 10 to 20 years, and 20% between 20 to 30 years.

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