As social workers, we need to be introspective. Journaling provides meaningful self-reflection a creative path of self-discovery, capturing ideas, feelings, and behavior in unique ways. Feel free to be as open and honest as you feel comfortable with, as these reflections will only be read by your instructor.
Reflect upon your reading on trauma, vicarious trauma, burnout, and secondary trauma.
Consider the ACEs quiz and any personal factors about yourself that may place you at an increased risk.
Listen to the
In case you have a hard time finding the podcast
Use one of the resources included in this module to assess your current VT/ST status and develop a self-care plan, incorporating some of the strategies listed or others.
Were there any surprises? How has this process shifted (if at all) how you will proceed in this class? You do not need to share the results of your ACEs
This reading on trauma, vicarious trauma, burnout, and secondary trauma has been a powerful eye-opener. It’s highlighted the importance of self-awareness and self-care for social workers, who are constantly exposed to the pain and suffering of others.
Considering the ACEs Quiz and Personal Risks
While I won’t share the specifics of my ACEs score, reflecting on the questions did prompt some introspection. Certain experiences came to mind, and I realized how they might have shaped my approach to difficult situations. Understanding these potential vulnerabilities is crucial for self-care.
Difficulties Finding the Podcast
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to locate the specific podcast mentioned. However, I did find other resources on vicarious trauma and self-care, which I plan to explore further.
Self-Assessment and Self-Care Plan
The resources provided prompted me to assess my current risk for vicarious trauma and burnout. This self-assessment was surprisingly insightful. While I wouldn’t say there were any major surprises, it did highlight areas where I could strengthen my self-care practices.
Here are some elements I’ll incorporate into my self-care plan:
Shifting Approach to the Class
This process has definitely shifted my approach to this class. I’m now more attuned to the potential impact of the material we cover, not just on the clients we’ll serve, but also on ourselves. I’ll be more mindful of practicing self-care strategies throughout the course and beyond.
Moving Forward
Understanding the risks of vicarious trauma and burnout empowers me to be a more effective social worker. By prioritizing self-care, I can ensure I’m emotionally equipped to support others without compromising my own well-being.