Justice components (police, courts, and corrections) constitute a true system



1. Do the three justice components (police, courts, and corrections) constitute a true system or are they more appropriately described as a process or a true nonsystem? Defend your response.
2. What are the legal and historical bases for a justice system and its administration in the United States? Why is the conflict-versus-consensus debate important?
3. What are some of the substantive ways in which public-sector and private-sector administration are similar? How are they dissimilar?
4. What elements of planned change must the justice administrator be familiar with in order to ensure that change is effected rationally and successfully?
5. Which method, a rational process or just muddling through, appears to be used in criminal justice policymaking today? Which method is probably best, given real-world realities? Explain your response
Chapter 2
1. Define organization. What is its function and structure?
2. Explain the evolution of organizational theory, including scientific, human relations, systems, and bureaucratic management theories.
3. Define span of control and unity of command.
4. Explain the characteristics and skills of America’s best leaders.
5. What did Katz say are the three most important general qualities in leaders?
Chapter 3
1. Discuss what is meant by a bona fide occupational qualifier (BFOQ) in the process of recruiting and hiring. Give an example of a bona fide occupational qualifier and the reasons it is permissible.
2. List and describe the four elements of a due process claim set forth by the U.S. Supreme Court under Title 42 U.S.C. Section 1983.
3. List and explain the three basic rights associated with the Peace Officers Bill of Rights (POBR).

Sample Solution

The criminal justice system consists of the police, the courts, and corrections. The major tasks of the police include selectively enforcing the law, protecting the public, arresting suspected law violators, and preventing crime. The courts are responsible for assuring that suspected criminals receive fair trials and for determining the guilt or innocence of the accused. The goal of the correctional subsystem is to rehabilitate offenders or to alter their behavior so that they are socially acceptable and law abiding. In many ways, the police, courts and corrections components work and interact to function like a process, a network, or even a non-system. However, the justice system may still constitute a true system.

Europeans introduced a couple of risky and overwhelming infections into the grounds they went after, it was diseases like measles and smallpox that butchered and polluted a couple of Neighborhood Americans. These deadly and overwhelming diseases executed an enormous proportion of Neighborhood Americans, which lead to the productive triumph. The Europeans were introduced to these disorders and made insusceptibility to an enormous degree of diseases, so they were not exactly impacted by it. Precious stone sponsorships this case by expressing,”Smallpox, measles, flu, typhus, bubonic plague, and other irresistible sicknesses endemic in Europe assumed a conclusive part in European success, by crushing many individuals in different mainlands.” ( Pg.75). The Nearby American social class had an incredibly little and accumulated people, so when a disease pandemic went after them it got them out completely. The disorders spread over their area quickly and defiled various Neighborhood Americans, which simplified it to manage their family.

With everything taken into account, development filled in as a military great situation to the Europeans and Spaniards considering weapons, microbes, and steel. Europeans and Spaniards had steel support and weapons, which made it practically challenging to pulverize them. They had schooling advantage and created and made boats and weapons. Finally, they spread savage and compelling sicknesses into the territories of others, which caused passing among others. The gave confirmation from Jewel’s “Weapons, Microorganisms, and Steel” talk is satisfactory considering the way that; it gave particular causes on how development was used as a military favored outlook to Europeans and Spaniards in win. Jewel’s reasoning is significant considering the way that relative techniques and development that Europeans used to defeat were used during the time by a couple of others. Spaniard embraced development, weapons, and strategies that Europeans used to vanquish the Incas at Cajamarca. This lead to them really getting and killing a ton of Nearby Americans. This article discussed how Europeans used development further supporting their tactical benefit to broaden and vanquish num

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