Juvenile Justice

Discuss Hirschi’s social bond theory and its impact on the juvenile justice system.
Textbook: Juvenile Justice Today 1st Edition, 2012 By Gennaro F. Vito and Julie C. Kunselman Pearson ISBN-10: 0-13-515148-1

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The social bonds theory, proposed by Travis Hirschi in 1969, assumes an instinctive propensity for criminality in humans. The theory interrogates the underlying restrictions that would dilute delinquent tendencies. Hirschi further postulates that strong social systems which foster bonding and conformity are necessary for constraining individuals to abide by conventional codes (Vito & Kunselman, 2012). Hirschi theory has gained wider acceptance and application for its association of adolescents with aversion to law and order. This theory also controversially contradicts Sutherland’s theory of differential associations, which assumes that delinquent adolescents tend to influence their peers to conform to their mode of thinking.

How Social Media Affects Family Relationships

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family isolated by social mediaA family has, at most occasions, been viewed as a private area. Regardless of what occurred outside of it—for instance, grinding away or somewhere else—a family, on a fundamental level, is the place numerous individuals can share their issues, look for arrangements together, appreciate comprehension and protection. Be that as it may, as innovations have become increasingly propelled, this private, close space has contracted. Today, in the time of web based life, connections in numerous families have changed, since internet based life influences these connections in various unforeseen and some of the time negative ways.

Looking from a hopeful point of view, youngsters and guardians have increased a useful asset of correspondence. To be sure, while imparting face to face may be hard for the two young people and their folks during the “high school revolting” period, informal communities give a significant chance to correspondence. Be that as it may, there is another side of the coin. About 30% of individuals are presently utilizing a wide range of contraptions, including mobile phones, tablets, etc, to converse with their friends and family through internet based life administrations, rather than having a discussion with them face to face. One individual out of five conceded they realized what their relatives were doing by checking their statuses on the web, not by asking them by and by—despite the fact that they may be sitting in the following room (Macleighob).

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Also, an investigation on media impact done by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that youngsters from the age of 8 to 18 years will in general go through around seven hours daily utilizing diversion media, which makes a sum of roughly 50 hours out of every week. This implies during this time, they are not working out, hanging out, speaking with their families, or engaging in personal connections. Such a way of life makes them put on additional weight, get effectively diverted, and create troubles in building up relational connections, incorporating the associations with guardians, kin, and other relatives. The investigation recommends such youngsters regularly will in general be intellectually missing while being with a gathering of companions or family (Huffington Post).

One more issue starting from internet based life is the genuine absence of security inside families. When there is a contention, battle, customary issue, or even a glad occasion, one (and at times both) of the mates sporadically post about it on Facebook, or offer this data with general society in some other manner. This prompts a straightforwardness of connections, and along these lines its weakness; additionally, one of the mates may be disappointed by the way that cozy subtleties of their family life are being presented to an enormous number of new individuals. This prompts extra clashes, further posting about these contentions in web based life, and accordingly makes an unending pattern of issues (IFR).

Web based life have numerous helpful highlights, yet on account of family connections, these media administrations ought to be utilized with alert. As indicated by various investigations, young people generally utilizing web based life will in general speak with their relatives in person significantly less frequently. They may confront troubles associated with social adjustment and acknowledgment, just as unreasonable body weight and correspondence issues. Likewise, web-based social networking might be utilized by relatives to share the close subtleties of family existence with open; this can be baffling for relatives.


Cloninger, Jan, and Rosemary Strembicki. “How is Technology Affecting Your Family?” The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2015.

“Internet based life and Its Impact on Families.” Macleighob. N.p., 24 Apr. 2012. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.

“What Facebook Does to Privacy in Families.” IFRInstitute.net. N.p., 12 June 2012. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

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