Key elements of effective listening and the importance of listening

Discuss key elements of effective listening and the importance of listening to a leader when they communicate. Compare and contrast two organizational leaders in the service industry – one who is an effective listener and one who is not. How has this impacted their organization’s ability to thrive in today’s market. Please support your response with scholarly sources


Sample Solution

Listening effectively is the foundation of effective communication. Active listening is a model for respect and understanding. There are five key elements of active listening: pay attention, show that you are listening, provide feedback, defer judgment; and respond appropriately. They all help you ensure that you hear the other person, and that the other person knows you are listening to what they say. The best way to make sure others understand what you are trying to say is to truly understand who your audience is and what their needs are. This will allow you to tailor your message so that others are more receptive to it.

Albeit the telepsychology has a generally short history in contrast with customary strategies, currently this method of emotional well-being care conveyance offers various benefits over traditional techniques for mental consideration. Among many, these include: expanded admittance to psychological wellness care for people who are geologically far off from a specialist co-op or generally unfit to get face to face benefits, more noteworthy adaptability in admittance to administrations, diminished need for shortlists and expanded contact among client and clinician, and the joining and reconciliation of other web-based materials and advancements to upgrade existing techniques for treatment (CAP, 2018; O’Connor et al., 2018; Stoll, Muller, and Trachsel, 2020; Varghese, Nolan, Ali, Anderson, and Southerland, 2019). With its many benefits close by quickly developing mechanical means, it becomes obvious that the utilization of telepsychology, either as an independent medium or utilized related to traditional treatment, will just raise from here on out (Regueiro, McMartin, Schaefer, and Woody, 2016). It is here that whether or not imaginative techniques for telepsychology are really equivalent to customary strategies for in-person psychotherapy emerges. Thus, it becomes important to comprehend the viability of directing treatment and other mental administrations involving a mechanical methodology in contrast with recently settled strategies for mental practice. Consequently, this paper will address the adequacy of telepsychology in the arrangement of mental administrations.

Despite the many advantages credited to telepsychology, it isn’t without its reactions. Accessibility of the clinician to answer the client promptly, client accessiblity to the essential methodology for administration conveyance, specialist or client demeanor towards telepsychology, and upkeep of expert limits over a less formal innovative methodology might dissuade either party from using telepsychology (Stoll, Muller, and Trachsel, 2020; Chakrabarti, 2015; Fantus and Mishna, 2013). Moral arugments presented against telepsychology principally incorporate worries in regards to security, privacy, and wellbeing (Stoll, Muller, and Trachsel, 2020). While the CAP Practice Guidelines frame norms for overseeing risk and safeguarding client sure

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