The white paper that you have developed on your selected Kindergartner assessment topic is now ready for you to present to the locally elected board of the Dekalb County school district in Georgia. Create a presentation using Prezi or similar software in order to present your research to the task force. The information within your presentation will assist the task force in developing a district-wide professional development plan geared toward improving the overall test scores of the Dekalb County schools within the district.
Present your findings in 10 slides using Prezi, PowerPoint, or a presentation software of your choice.
Include a title slide and references section (These two slides are not part of the ten slide requirement.)
Develop a coherent, organized presentation using your chosen tool for a professional audience, using clean design, readable text, and visuals that support the information presented.
Provide audio narration of the presentation slides as if you were delivering the speech. (Note: If you do not have access to a microphone, provide detailed speaker notes with your presentation.)
Overview and recommendation section (first five slides) in which you:
Provide an overview of the white paper. The overview should include, at a minimum, background on your topic and its relevance to the Kindergartner assessment and the demographics of the Dekalb County district.
Discuss the significant recommendations that you have made within the white paper regarding changes to the district’s current assessment goals.
Provide three methods by which the task force might use the white paper in order to develop a district-wide professional development plan geared toward improving the overall test scores of the Dekalb County district.
Personal reflection section (last five slides) in which you provide:
What you have learned from developing the white paper as well as what you have learned during this course.
Your personal reflection on the new technologies that you researched in the Assessment Project – Part 2 and the manner in which such technologies have changed your views on how to approach assessment in the classroom.
The manner in which you would implement the recommendations made in Assessment Project – Part 2 within your own Dekalb County school district.
Provide specific examples of the changes that you have already made or would like to make.
Which facial recognition technologies exist?
A numerous of facial recognition techniques and methods are being used for security and authentication purposes which includes areas in detective agencies and military purposes[25]. This way, the facial recognition techniques can play a role in preventing crime. There are multiple methods considered the two primary tasks of facial recognition, i.e. verification and identification. Verification, also called authentication, is presenting a face image of an unknown individual along with a claim of identity, and then ascertaining whether the individual is who he/she claims to be. Identification, also called recognition, is presenting an image of an unknown individual and determining that person’s identity by comparing that image with a database of images of known individuals[15]. There are even some facial recognition techniques that are able to see emotions. These techniques, as well as verification and identification are of great importance when it comes to finding criminals so crime can be prevented.
A few examples of the many methods and algorithm that can be used within the field of facial recognition are: Geometric Feature Based Methods, Template Based Methods, Correlation Based Methods, Matching, Pursuit Based Methods, Singular Value Decomposition Based Methods, The Dynamic Link, Matching Methods, Illumination Invariant Processing Methods, Support Vector Machine Approach, Karhunen- Loeve Expansion Based Methods, Feature Based Methods, Neural Network Based Algorithms and Model Based Methods [25].
Later on, one of the most known methods will be discussed in a detailed way. The facial recognition methods that can be used, all have a different approach. Some are more frequently used for facial recognition algorithms than others. The use of a method also depends on the needed applications. For instance, surveillance applications may best be served by capturing face images by means of a video camera while image database investigations may require static intensity images taken by a stan