Task Number 1 of 3. Task Name Land Survey skills
National unit(s) code VU22454 National unit(s) title Undertake site survey and analysis
to inform design process
National qualification
22477VIC National qualification
Advanced Diploma of Building
Design (Architectural)
RMIT Program code C6161 RMIT Course code BUIL6413
Section A ‐ Assessment Information
Duration and/or due date: Assignment issued, Week 2, (week beginning 13th July 2020)
This assignment is to be completed by 7th August 2020
Task Instructions
Summary and Purpose of Assessment
This short‐answer assessment task is one of three assessment tasks you need to complete
satisfactorily, in order to be deemed competent for this unit.
The first part A of this assessment task allows you to demonstrate your knowledge of reading and
interpreting data from a site survey and associated Working Drawings. (Seven (7) Questions)
Part B of this assessment task covers a further 7 knowledge‐based questions, to demonstrate your
understanding of site survey and analysis.
Assessment Instructions
This assessment will take place in class. Working through Canvas, for part A of the assessment you
will be provided with a site survey and associated Working Drawings by your assessor and allowed
class time to answer the related questions. Part B is general knowledge based on the unit learnings.
All 14 questions must be answered correctly for you to be assessed as satisfactory for this assessment
Conditions for assessment
This is an individual assessment task.
This is an open ‘book’ assessment. You are allowed personal notes from lectures and briefings to help
answer the questions
This is intended as a written assessment. Please make arrangements with your assessor at least one week
prior to the assessment due date if you feel you require special allowance or allowable adjustment to this
assessment (e.g. verbal assessment or additional time).
Please write your full name on the student version of the assessment task (do not use nicknames or
You must submit your work online to Canvas‐Site Surveying‐Assessments
You must answer all questions correctly to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment
You will be assessed as satisfactory or not satisfactory
[Assessment name: Land survey skills, [ Number of Assessment: 1 ] [ Date last updated: 12/07/2020 ]
Student knowledge assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University
This template is current June 2018. Check you are using the most current version on the VE Essentials website.Page 2 of 7
You can appeal the assessment decision according to the RMIT Assessment Processes
Instructions on submitting your project
This assessment will be undertaken through Canvas. Final submission is to be uploaded to Canvas as a single
This assessment will be marked through the Canvas system.
Your Submission shall be a Combined PDF, uploaded to: Canvas‐C6161 Site Survey‐Assignments‐AT01, by the
due date
File upload naming as follows.
FILE NAME FORMAT: LastName_FirstName_SSA‐AT01_2020(2045) eg. Smith_Bill_SSA‐AT01_2020(2045)
You will have the opportunity to resubmit this assessment (on one occasion only) if you are deemed unsatisfactory.
You can appeal the assessment decision using these forms. htps://www.rmit.edu.au/students/assessment+appeals
Equipment/resources students must supply: Equipment/resources to be provided by RMIT or the
Pens/ pencils for working calculations
Internet access
Access to Australian Standards through RMIT library
Section B – Student Answer Sheet
Student ID
Students, provide your responses in the boxes below each question
Q1: Identify the distance of the East boundary on the Floor Plan / Site Plan on Diagram 2
Q2: Looking at the contours on the Floor Plan (Diagram 2), what level is the highest contour on the site?
Q3: Identify the minimum setback from the south boundary to the proposed addition on the site Plan (Diagram 1).
Q4: Given the finished garage floor level on the floor plan (Diagram 2), calculate the area of fill required for the garage
floor. Refer to both Floor Plan (Diagram 2) and Section Y (Diagram 3) to determine cut/fill areas (plan view).
Q5: Given the finished garage floor level on the floor plan (Diagram 2), calculate the area of cut required for the
garage. Refer to both Floor Plan (Diagram 2) and Section Y (Diagram 3) to determine cut/fill areas (plan view).
[Assessment name: Land survey skills, [ Number of Assessment: 1 ] [ Date last updated: 12/07/2020 ]
Student knowledge assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University
This template is current June 2018. Check you are using the most current version on the VE Essentials website.Page 3 of 7
Q6: What is the address of the site? on the site Plan (Diagram 1)
Q7: Are there windows on adjoining properties that need to be considered for the Temple St project?
Q8: The following 3 documents should be collected before undertaking a site survey
1/. Property report and/or planning property report, 2/. A copy of title, 3/. A title plan
a. Explain why you need to collect these documents before undertaking a site survey?
Q: 9 Demonstrate and detail the methods that must be followed on site with regard to WHS/OHS
when undertaking a site visit or site survey. List a minimum of three.
Q: 10. List 3 types of levels used for site surveying; and
a. Describe each individual level and what they are used for.
b. Provide basic specifications / technical data for the 3 selected types of levels
c. Describe the process for inspection of levelling equipment
d. How often should the equipment be checked?
e. Demonstrate, how you would manage any damage, wear and serviceability in
regard to levelling equipment.
Q: 11 Describe the importance of a site assessment for both the proposed development and the
considerations of adjoining properties.
Q: 12. Research, Document and describe the Australian Drawing Standards and the different parts.?
A. Provide a brief explanation for the following Australian Standards.
AS1100.101, AS1100.201, AS1100.301, AS1100.410, AS1100.501.
Q: 13. Describe what legislation, Act or Regulation that needs to be adhered to in regard to site
survey for the following.
a. Establishment or re‐establishment of title boundaries.
b. Requirements for Site Plans produced for building permits
Q.14 Explain the importance of accurately measuring a site or building using basic surveying
[Assessment name: Land survey skills, [ Number of Assessment: 1 ] [ Date last updated: 12/07/2020 ]
Student knowledge assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University
This template is current June 2018. Check you are using the most current version on the VE Essentials website.Page 4 of 7
Diagram 1 ‐ Site plan
[Assessment name: Land survey skills, [ Number of Assessment: 1 ] [ Date last updated: 12/07/2020 ]
Student knowledge assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University
This template is current June 2018. Check you are using the most current version on the VE Essentials website.Page 5 of 7
Diagram 2 – Floor Plan, for garage cut & fill estimating
[Assessment name: Land survey skills, [ Number of Assessment: 1 ] [ Date last updated: 12/07/2020 ]
Student knowledge assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University
This template is current June 2018. Check you are using the most current version on the VE Essentials website.Page 6 of 7
Diagram 3 Section Y. Cut & fill diagram 3 for estimating
Diagram 4 is a Land Survey.
[Assessment name: Land survey skills, [ Number of Assessment: 1 ] [ Date last updated: 12/07/2020 ]
Student knowledge assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University
This template is current June 2018. Check you are using the most current version on the VE Essentials website.Page 7 of 7
Section C – Feedback to Student
Has the candidate successfully completed the task? Yes No
Feedback to candidate:
Assessor Name Date
steam stimulation (CSS) and high-pressure cyclic steam stimulation (HPCSS). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steam-assisted_gravity_drainage)
Oil and gas in the Arctic
Among the greatest uncertainties concerning future energy supply is the volume of oil and gas remaining to be found in high northern latitudes. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), there are about 30% of the world’s undiscovered gas and 13% of the world’s undiscovered oil may be found in the Arctic Circle. The recent retreat of polar ice makes petroleum exploration and development much easier.
Petroleum is highly associated with sedimentary rocks. The map provided the basis for defining assessment units (AUs), which are mappable volumes of sedimentary rocks that share similar geological properties. The Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal (CARA) defined 69 AUs, each containing more than 3 km of sedimentary strata, the probable minimum thickness necessary to bury source rocks sufficiently to generate significant oil and gas.
Figure. Map showing the AUs of the CARA is colour-coded for mean estimated undiscovered gas. Only areas north of the Arctic Circle are included in the estimates. Black li