Large chain pharmacies such as Walgreens

Choose one prescription drug that has a generic available (the pharmacy MUST sell both the generic and the brand of the chosen drug) and one over-the-counter (OTC) drug you would be likely to recommend to patients. Next locate one pharmacy from each of the four different types listed below:

Large chain pharmacies such as Walgreens, CVS, Eckard’s, etc.
Grocery store associate pharmacies such as Publix, Kroger, etc.
Privately owned local pharmacy
Pharmacy associated with a “big box” store such as Target, Walmart, etc.
Do not use any drugs on the pharmacy’s four dollar or other special price list. If the pharmacy has a “club card,” coupons or other special way of getting lower cost, do not use this cost. The cost you are examining is the “cash price” for uninsured patients.

Compare the cash cost of the brand and the generic of the prescription drug, and the OTC drug brand and generic making sure that the dose (milligrams, micrograms, etc.), form (caps, tablets, etc.), and number of pills are the same. (Example: Synthroid .05 milligrams and levothyroxine .05 milligrams, prescription for 30 pills. Tylenol 500 mg. and Acetaminophen 500mg, 100 gel caps.)

Sample Solution

limination of contaminations, for example, soil, stones, metallic items and so on in the seed should be finished up to 2% [38] by weight. The contaminations when worked on in their levels in oil reason wear in the press. This reason is because of the warm crack of oil cell walls at temperatures above 100°C [39, 40]. Obstructing in diesel motor is because of raise level of debasements which thusly increment phosphorus focuses in the oil [13, 41].

3.3Seed crushing

The seed crushing interaction is the main advances. The preheated seeds are grind on the roller plant. Squash the cleaning seed to the right consistency by Automated notched rollers and sledge factories. The seeds are crushed as powder. Seed powder is then warmed to help the extraction of the oil. More pollutions are free with the oil when the seed are crushed in spite of the fact that it method permits more oil to be squeezed out. These pollutions should be eliminated before the oil can be considered palatable.

3.4 Seed Squeezing

Fuel vegetable oil is acquired by straightforward virus squeezing of oil bearing seeds and organic products. The oils extricated fluctuate in amount and quality. A portion of the reliance in seed squeezing are on the sort of press, dampness content, seed assortment, warming or not, and on the neatness of the seed [35]. Traditionally, two sorts of press are accessible [35]:’whole chamber or ring” presses for limits under 100 kg of seeds handled each hour; ”sifter” squeezes, which can be utilized to press as much as 2 tons of seeds each hour. The nature of the oil acquired relies on the Squeezing condition. The water in the oil is because of buildup which thusly because of high mugginess and a seed temperature beneath that of the encompassing air. Preheating seeds to 20oC assists with further developing the extraction rate. Oil quality straightforwardly influence by temperature and speed of squeezing [34]. The phospholipids content can be impacted by the squeezing temperature and oil extraction yield can be impacted by speed of squeezing. The extraction rate is associated with press stream. A high stream rate lessens the extraction rate. Surpassing a temperature of 80oC inside the press is suggested not. Higher the temperature higher is the phospholipids content, that is the reason cold squeezing is attractive [33, 35]. During squeezing, it is desirable over choose consistent press activity to get uniform oil and press cake qualities. The extraction rate exists in a ran

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