Leadership Development Plan


Using the reflections you’ve written throughout the semester, you will write-up a more formal future-oriented leadership development plan, integrating course content on motivation and goal-setting (ch 16) and leadership (ch 17).

Part 1: Clearly describe your leadership philosophy
find more information about leadership philosophy statements here: https://www.cleverism.com/leadership-philosophy-guide/ (Links to an external site.)
should include a description of what your own personal leadership philosophy is based on what you’ve learned in this course, including what type of leader you hope to be/become in your own personal career (using vocabulary from ch 17).
Part 2: Summarize what new insights you have gained in regards to leadership as a result of completing these (at least 6) self-assessments
Part 3: Reflect upon your leadership strengths (from the self-assessments and other self-reflections) and describe specifically how you can utilize those strengths to provide a solid foundation for further developing into an effective leader.
Part 4: Identify THREE specific leadership-related SMART goals you have identified through this process that you intend to focus on in the next 12 months. (using ch 16 as a guide to help correctly set SMART goals)
My mistake! Ch 16 doesn’t include reference to SMART goals
instead here is a great explainer: https://www.mindtools.com/a4wo118/smart-goals
Ch 8 (section 8.4.3 – Management by Exception also speaks to many of the same concepts)
In addition to setting the goals, describe “how” you plan to achieve these goals. Detail the behavioral strategies and frequencies necessary to make progress on these goals. Be as specific and detailed as possible.
Discuss how you will measure / know when you have achieved your goal. What will improve or be different in your workplace?


Sample Solution

Part 1: Leadership Philosophy

My leadership philosophy is centered on the belief that effective leadership is about empowering and inspiring others to achieve their full potential. I believe that true leaders are servant leaders who prioritize the needs of their team members and foster a collaborative environment where everyone feels valued and respected. I aspire to be a leader who embodies the following principles:

  • Empathy and Understanding: I believe in understanding the perspectives and motivations of my team members to create a work environment that is supportive and inclusive.

  • Communication and Transparency: I value open and honest communication as the foundation of trust and collaboration. I believe in keeping my team members informed and

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