Learning challenges and Social interactions





Collaborate with your mentor to identify a group of three students with varying abilities in the classroom who
need extra literacy support; these students can be from your own classroom.
During your observations take note of each student’s:
Learning style
Literacy strengths/weaknesses
Learning challenges
Social interactions
Following the observations, discuss your notes with your mentor and how you plan to address students’ observed
literacy needs .
Provide additional information about the students such as:
Individual literacy needs based on classroom assessment data.
Individual behavior/social-emotional needs.
IEP/504 and language needs.
Strategies used with the students that have been successful.

Sample Solution

tudent 1: Alyssa

  • Behavior: Alyssa is generally well-behaved in class, but she can sometimes be hesitant to participate in discussions. She is often shy and doesn’t want to draw attention to herself.

  • Participation: Alyssa is not an active participant in class discussions. She prefers to listen and observe rather than share her own thoughts and ideas.

  • Learning style: Alyssa is a visual learner. She learns best when she can see information presented in a visual format, such as pictures, graphs, and diagrams.

  • Literacy strengths: Alyssa is a strong reader. She can decode words accurately and fluently. She also has a good understanding of vocabulary.

  • Literacy weaknesses: Alyssa struggles with comprehension. She has difficulty understanding what she reads. She also has difficulty writing complex sentences and paragraphs.

  • Learning challenges: Alyssa’s main learning challenge is comprehension. She has difficulty understanding what she reads and writes.

  • Social interactions: Alyssa is generally shy and reserved. She prefers to interact with one or two friends at a time. She can sometimes be hesitant to participate in group activities.

  • Distractions: Alyssa is easily distracted by noise and movement. She also has difficulty staying focused on a task for an extended period of time.

  • Perseverance/motivation: Alyssa is generally a persevering student. She is willing to try new things and doesn’t give up easily.

Individual literacy needs based on classroom assessment data:

  • Alyssa scored poorly on a recent comprehension test.
  • Alyssa’s writing samples show that she has difficulty organizing her thoughts and writing complex sentences.

Individual behavior/social-emotional needs:

  • Alyssa needs to be encouraged to participate in class discussions.
  • Alyssa needs to develop strategies for dealing with distractions.

IEP/504 and language needs:

  • Alyssa does not have an IEP or 504 plan.
  • Alyssa does not have any diagnosed language needs.

Strategies used with the students that have been successful:

  • Providing Alyssa with graphic organizers to help her organize her thoughts when writing.
  • Using audio books to help Alyssa improve her comprehension skills.
  • Allowing Alyssa to take breaks when she becomes overwhelmed.

Student 2: Ben

  • Behavior: Ben is a disruptive student who often gets out of his seat and walks around the classroom. He can also be defiant and disrespectful to teachers and other students.

  • Participation: Ben is not an active participant in class discussions. He often makes off-topic comments or disrupts the discussion.

  • Learning style: Ben is a kinesthetic learner. He learns best when he is actively involved in the learning process.

  • Literacy strengths: Ben is a strong decoder. He can sound out words accurately.

  • Literacy weaknesses: Ben struggles with fluency and comprehension. He reads slowly and choppily. He also has difficulty understanding what he reads.

  • Learning challenges: Ben’s main learning challenges are fluency and comprehension. He reads slowly and choppily, and he has difficulty understanding what he reads.

  • Social interactions: Ben has difficulty interacting with other students. He can be aggressive and impulsive.

  • Distractions: Ben is easily distracted by noise and movement. He also has difficulty staying focused on a task for an extended period of time.

  • Perseverance/motivation: Ben is not a persevering student. He gives up easily and doesn’t like to work hard.

Individual literacy needs based on classroom assessment data:

  • Ben scored poorly on a recent fluency test.
  • Ben’s writing samples show that he has difficulty writing complex sentences and paragraphs.

Individual behavior/social-emotional needs:

  • Ben needs to learn how to manage his behavior and control his impulses.
  • Ben needs to develop strategies for dealing with distractions.

IEP/504 and language needs:

  • Ben has an IEP for a specific learning disability.
  • Ben does not have any diagnosed language needs.

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