Should the legal drinking age be lowered to 18years old?
Legal drinking age
All fifty U.S. states have set their minimum drinking age to 21 although exceptions do exist on a state-by-state basis for consumption at home, under adult supervision, for medical necessity, and other reasons. Proponents of lowering the minimum drinking age (MLDA) from 21 argue that it has not stopped teen drinking, and has instead pushed underage binge drinking into private and less controlled environments, leading to more health and life-endangering behavior by teens. Opponents of lowering the MLDA argue that teens have not yet reached an age where they can handle alcohol responsibly, and thus are more likely to harm or even kill themselves and others by drinking prior to 21. I believe that lower drinking would allow for increased education, greater safety among young people, college students.
tates greatly considers the significance of monetary aid in nations that are struggling with different forms of stability. In order to relieve the oppression of the Rohingya and to re-stabilize the nation, investments are something that the United States heavily supports. This approach is crucial as it lays out the foundation for what will happen in the future. Burma will be able to thrive not only economically but also be able to integrate progressivism into its culture if It’s people, especially those who have undergone unprecedented oppression, can sustain their families and contribute to the common good of the nation as a whole. Being able to foster the emergence of small and medium enterprises, flourishing agriculture, and international trade are all things that not only the people of Burma, but also aid the currently unstable government in being able to provide a means of protection and stability for their citizens. This is of course not to neglect or put aside the immediate humanitarian action that needs to be taken, but instead is stressed so heavily as economic stability has historically been tied to peace and prosperity, an aforementioned goal the United States has for Burma. In regards to immediate relief, the United States would be more than willing to increase its aid in the situation along side the aid of other nations and bodies under the United Nations.
In addition to this, the United States urges religious freedom in order to mediate and dismantle the religious conflict that is ever so prevalent in Burma. The United States would first prioritize a non-violent approach of dismantling the military overrun of the Burmese Government as it has done previously in the past. So for instance,in the past,high level US government administration has taken strides to meet with leaders in Burma, assess the situation, and provide aid upon their analysis. This essentially allows them to consider all important factors as dismantling any conflict, especially religious requires meticulous planning and thorough analysis in order to mediate it non-violently. In order to further stress the need for this, the US calls upon other nations within the United Nations to meet with leaders in Burma in order to peacefully settle the discourse. Other nations could be useful in not only the insight they provide but also the possible economic stability that they may be able to provide for the region, which the United States believes is the long term goal for Burma and what can truly uproot this catastrophe.
Also, to take into account the needs of those who are currently attempting to seek asylum and are in desperate need to flee the country, the United States not only urges the importance of immediate shelter, goods, and services for the survival of the Refugees, but also hopes to further its development in neighboring nations in order to increase their capacity to take in refugees. Historically, and within our own nations, Refugees have fostered economic growth and development as well as sustainability in a myriad of places. It is very important to consider the fact that refugees expand the job market, foster competition, and expand innovation in the nations they migrate to. They do this for already established businesses in the nation as well as aid in the creation of new industry. This is so crucial for nations to understand because they can benefit another nation and benefit themselves at the same time. However, nations do suffer the short turn fiscal burden of taking in many refugees at a time, and in order to soften that, the United States has a few approaches. One of which being aiding neighboring nations to Burma with the investment, expand their opportunity for trade with the world floor, and help them develop technologies to expand Industry faster. Another approach would be to ensure that these nations (such as Thailand) are taking positive strides to improve their economy such as enacting strong moneta