letter to south Carolina problem solver

l write a letter to a public official in South Carolina, a letter that needs to meet all of the content and formatting expectations for a formal letter. You may choose to send your letter, but that is not required for this assignment. The letter may be used to explain how a particular issue, under the purview of the official, affects your area of South Carolina*, to express support for a proposed law, policy, or action, or to oppose a proposed law, policy, or action. In substance, the letter can achieve one of these aims by demonstrating to the official that her or his constituents have an investment in the issue, giving background history that she or he may not be aware of, or attempting to persuade an official to vote in a certain way, or take another action, on the issue. *Please note that “your area of South Carolina” can be loosely defined. It can be Richland County or Columbia, where USC-Columbia is located, or it can be a part of the State in which you did reside at some point, or it can be a part of the State facing an issue that is of particular interest to you. The only requirement is that the letter makes clear why the issue is of concern for you. Getting Started Think about issues in your area of South Carolina or problems facing the State in general. What is most pressing? What do you have a personal investment in? Now, consider—and do some research into this question—who within the State has the ability to make the changes that you would like to see? The articles on South Carolina governance from earlier in the​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ semester may be useful. You need not reread these in their entireties, but please use these as reference material in your attempts to determine the appropriate official to contact. Be aware that not every issue will be one for the governor or state legislature to be contacted and that seemingly local issues aren’t always under the authority of county or city councils. Once you have decided on the recipient, begin to further research the issue and the background, or position on the issue, of the recipient. When you are ready to craft the letter itself, consider beginning by explaining your purpose for writing this letter.

Sample Solution

five outcomes are universal ambitions for every child and young person, whatever their background or circumstances. (Every Child Matters to Museums, 2018)
The two pieces of legislation that have a greatest influence is the Children’s Act, which focuses on Special Educational Needs and Disability and The NHS and Community Health Care Act, which focuses on the care and support.
NHS and Community Health Care Act (2010)
NHS is a national service that provide health care to the population and was created so that every individual present in the UK could access the health care (Gov.uk, 2012). With the passage of time the needs of population change NHS goes through reforms and modernisation so that it can cope with the needs. So, NHS has to change and bring improvements to the legislation in order to provide a good healthcare delivery (Patients4NHS , 2018).
“One of the reasons for introducing the 2012 HSC Act was the financial issues facing the NHS and also the vast pressure on its services, this transferred the availability of public health services (such as children’s services, mental and dental health, immunisation, screening, sexual health and health protection programmes) to cash-strapped local authorities (LAs). LAs have the ability to outline and choose the way they provide these services, and could make them chargeable in time,
Abolished Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and instead establish Clinical Commissioning Groups(CCGs)”: (Patients4NHS , 2018)
Improving quality of care is the main goal of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.

The Act contains various arrangements to energise and empower the NHS, nearby government and different areas, to enhance understanding results through significantly more compelling co-ordinated work, gives the premise to better joint effort, association working and combination crosswise over neighbourhood government and the NHS at all levels, CCGs will be best put to advance coordination given their insight into understanding needs, and the appointing energy to outline new administrations around these necessities, The weights on the NHS are expanding, with regards to wellbeing frameworks over the world. (Patients4NHS , 2018). Request is developing quickly as the populace ages and long-term conditions turn out to be more typical; more sophisticated and costly treatment choices are getting to be accessible. (Gov.uk, 2012).
The Act places clinicians in charge regarding shaping services, empowering NHS funding to be spent more successfully and this will empower patients to be able to choose proper services for their needs, from charity or independent providers, as long as they meet NHS costs. (Gov.uk, 2012)
Establishes an independent NHS Board to allocate resources and provide commissioning guidance, increases GPs power to commission services on behalf of their patients or strengthens the role

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