1. Go to this website to learn about a huge and amazing research study currently following over 10,000 children!
First, watch this short video and write a one-paragraph summary about the “ABCD” study. Start by defining what “ABCD” stands for.
https://abcdstudy.org/about/ (1:41)
Second, go to the news page for the ABCD study at: https://abcdstudy.org/news/ to explore. Identify ONE study that the ABCD study has completed so far (there are LOTS). Explain what the researchers are studying and the results thus far! 😊
2. Read the attached document on social media use and mental health. This is a summary of the research in this area—and parts of this read are a bit difficult. I encourage you to read and think through all sections (in order) but focus your time on the three sections in PURPLE. After reading and mulling over this information (and taking notes or highlighting as you read), write a 1-2 paragraph summary about the key points. There is A LOT that you could write for your summary but aim to focus on the most important and interesting information as you see it.
3. Explain TWO textbook concepts that you find particularly important or interesting. Fully describe your concept/term/theory and provide a personal example to demonstrate your understanding of it! (one paragraph each)
The British electoral system was unrepresentative and outdated because education was lacking. The public did not have input. They knew little about politics prior to generalised literacy, which opened access to see holes in the system. Add to this any type of secret society being illegal, and the possibility that laws were put in place to prevent protest, seems evermore likely. As without such activist groups, how can a protest be arranged? Mass education is the direct answer to all of the above, and literacy is the direct vehicle of information.
The Luddites functioning from 1811-1816, are an earlier example of protest towards the Industrial Revolution. A group of Nottingham workers met in private, planning to destroy machinery. They felt their skills for the crafts they had learned and mastered were being forgotten, as machines replaced labour. The physical way in which the Luddites functioned did not require literacy, yet they generated a large following, this was in part due to the amount of attention vandalising machines would receive, in the form of reward posters, that unintentionally advertised the movement. Though it must be mentioned, the Luddites did write threatening letters to officials and factory owners.
This physical approach of protest however, did not work in their favour as the hostility was eventually met by military force. Luddites being shot by factory owners was also a frequent occurrence. The motives behind the Luddites were radical, if they were politically inclined instead, they might have been more successful. In addition to the development of protest towards the industrial revolution, this also represents the drastic and violent response of the government.