Liquid Breathing

Explore physical and chemical properties of dissolving gases in liquids.

Explore the physiology and chemistry of liquid breathing.

Explain the potential uses of liquid breathing in diving and medicine.

Explain how nitrogen behaves when a scuba diver dives to great depths, and the consequences this can cause.

Discuss the parameters that influence gases in solution.

Explain various solutions to the problems caused by nitrogen gas in solution at depths.

Explain what liquid breathing is and how it works.

Discuss the progress of liquid breathing technology. (Is it real or science fiction?) Discuss the potential applications in medicine (give specific examples).

Discuss the potential applications of liquid breathing in scuba diving. (Is it real or science fiction?) How might it solve current problems? What are its disadvantages?

Sample Solution

ured, realizing new examples of creation. It made new class structure, plainly isolating the rich and common laborers. Processing plant mechanical production systems supplanted student workshops and machines supplanted gifted specialists. Business visionaries Like John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie achieved restraining infrastructures and utilized new strategies of vertical and flat mix to overwhelm steel and oil creation. Imprint Twain considered this timespan the “Overlaid Age” by this, he implied that the period was sparkling on a superficial level yet degenerate underneath (Doc G) However, the mastery of these organizations and nonstop utilization of vertical coordination significantly affected the upper and lower class, and profited the two sides of the financial range decidedly.

Vertical combination was utilized by many flourishing organizations during the overlaid age. This procedure diminished expense for clients by taking out value markups related with purchasing an item from a higher organization. With the degree of control Vertically coordinated organizations had, their store network productivity and benefit expanded (Doc D). Andrew Carnegie previously utilized this strategy in business practice and commanded the steel showcase with his organization Carnegie Steel. John Davison Rockefeller was an American oil industry business head honcho during the plated age. He is broadly viewed as the wealthiest American ever, and the most extravagant individual in present day history. His organization utilized an alternate side project of vertical combination. (Doc B) Rockefeller’s technique of setting up an imposing business model more than one part of the creation procedure of oil refining was named as even incorporation. To take out his rivals, Rockefeller utilized his company’s better size than arrange rates from the railways that moved the two his and his rivals’ oil, making it almost unimaginable for his rivals to remain in business.(Doc C) This monetary achievement happened with a bunch of organizations during the time, and shows how the strategies of level and vertical incorporation profited the well off class by giving them chances to become big enchiladas in their fields of work.

Despite the fact that it might appear as though there are no potential advantages with vertical mix to anybody other than the business people, a ton of the common laborers was affected by this strategy too. The quick development of the assembling business made an extraordinary requirement for incompetent laborers. This interest caused mass relocation, ranch laborers moved from rustic territories of the United States to secure positions in Ameri

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