Local exhaust ventilation


1-Why is high flow velocity (usually 2,000 – 6,000 fpm) in ductwork necessary?

2-When selecting and designing ductwork, why round duct shape is usually better than others (ex. Rectangle, square, oval)?

3-Look at Chart 10 and determine the duct wall roughness correction factors (R) are affected by two factors including ____________________ and _________________.

4-In a LEV system with the fan running, at a point after the fan and before the exhaust stack, the pressure in the duct will be________ 0 (<, = or >)

5-Review chapter 3 and 7, use your own words and discuss where and how air turbulence is formed in ductwork.

6-Use your own words and discuss the good(s) and bad(s) about air turbulence in ductwork.

7-List the factors that can contribute duct friction loss.

8-Modified Exercise 7-4: At STP, what is the duct friction loss for a square galvanized duct, 16.47 inches on a side (width or height) and 10 ft in length, with an average duct velocity of 6,000 fpm? Hint: Friction loss = K*VP*L*R*df, you need to use both Chart 5 and 10.

9-If the TP is -1 “wg in the duct in the above question (Modified Exercise 7-4), what is the SP in the duct? Hint: look at chapter 3 to find an equation to calculate TP from VP and SP.

Other than that, there is a fantasy which lead everybody conviction to commend this Mid-Autumn Festival. As indicated by the legend, there was ten suns rose together in one day. Be that as it may, it makes horrendous calamity human, so as to spare the people there must be a saint. There was a saint name Hou Yi , he is an amazing bows and arrows and he has a spouse name Chang Er. At that point, Hou Yi was compensated an everlasting status sedate by god since he has effectively shot and crush the other 9 suns. Tragically Hou Yi would not like to live eternal without Chang Er, so didn’t eat the everlasting status medication and he request that his better half keep it. At some point, Hou Yi’s understudies name as Peng Meng realized the everlasting status drugs was kept in the house. In this manner, he went to Hou Yi’s home to take it and tragically Chang Er reject to give him and she gulped it and she traveled to the sky. She must choose between limited options to remain with her significant other, yet she decide to live in the moon, since it is the closest to his better half in earth. From that point forward, Hou Yi tragic and he showed the leafy foods consistently to give penance Chang Er. In this way, individuals learned it and showed all products of the soil cakes during fifteenth of eighth lunar month. (Wed Bai, 2012)


Moreover, Hari Raya Aidilfitri is one of the most significant celebrations that Malay Culture celebrates. It is known as imprint the finish of Ramadan, a month of fasting. The celebration is falls after the finish of month-long quick (Puasa) completed which is the first day in tenth month of Syawal. They accept that it is a day for Muslim to look for the pardoning from their loved ones part. For instance, a child will request pardoning from their folks for the errors that they have done the most recent year. Other than that, they will implores at the mosque and visit the precursor’s graves. (National Library Board Singapore, 2009)

Also, the second significant celebrations celebrate by Malay ethnic is Hari Raya Haji. They accept that it is a significant day for Muslims to remember Ibrahim for following Allah’s order to forfeit Ishmael (Ibrahim’s child). It is known as the Festival of Sacrifice, all Muslims watched the procedure. Allah halted Ibrahim when he was going to forfeit his child, and Allah revealed to him that it was only a test to know whether Ibrahim can follow Allah’s order to forfeit his child. Along these lines, all Muslims will forfeit creatures with four-legged during Hari Raya Haji. They as a rule execute goats, dairy animals or sheep right now. At that point, the meat will be dispersed to 3 sections which are for family, family members or companions and last will be appropriated to needy individuals. In any case, they accept that Ibrahim and his child Ishmael were guided by Allah to manufacture ‘Kaaba’ the square tone working in a spot name Mecca. Along these lines, that is the bearing that all Muslims petitions implore towards everywhere throughout the world. (Nurul Azliah Aripin, 2015)

Worth and BELIEF

A worth is the conviction that individuals think it is ideal. It is something that individuals trained us and we trust it and follow the convention set by precursor. Thus, these societies have been educated from one age to next the age until today. Other than that, diverse culture has their own qualities and fundamental conviction.

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