Lungs sounds





Nursing Note Scenario
Clinical Mod 4
You are going to start the night shift at the nursing home @ 2300. When arriving you receive report from MR. ED. This is what he gave you for a report below,
A 60-year-old male patient was admitted two days ago after being treated for sepsis at the hospital and is here rehabbing to get his strength back then return home. He had minimal appetite at dinner time and was nauseous. His scheduled Lantus was given at bedtime. Zofran was given with good affect. VS have been stable and afebrile. Patient only got up to chair today with a stand-by assist due to general weakness.
PMH: Diabetes, HTN, GERD

This is the assessment findings from your shift:
Alert & oriented x2, confused with situation.
Skin is warm, dry and normal color.
Lungs sounds clear and equal in all fields.
Abdomen is soft, non-tender with positive bowel sounds.
Ap regular. No murmur. Capillary refill greater than 3 seconds all extremities. NO edema.
Urine concentrated voiding in urinal this morning.
When doing the am VS check prior to shift change you noticed the patient seems confused and lethargic. Skin is slightly moist, BP low at 90/60. Blood glucose 59. Fever present at 101.3, you call the md and the md orders you to give patient 650 mg of Tylenol, IV established before EMS arrives and the patient back to the hospital. One does of glucagon is also given per protocol prior to EMS arrival.
The patient is sent out by EMS and now you need to write your nursing note.



Sample Solution

off. Abigail is a vengeful, manipulative, jealous, and over all just a bad person. Which brings her into being one of the other main causes of the trials. Of course John should have never gotten involved with her in the first place, but Abigail should have been a big enough person to respect him when he wanted to go back to his wife. Both of them together was a recipe for disaster. Abigail’s part in this is a little more twisted than johns. Unlike John, Abigail actually was practicing witch craft and even went as far as to put a curse on Elizabeth. Abigail accused multiple people of witchcraft, but her herself was never found guilty of it. She was a very good liar and master manipulator who could get her way out of any situation thrown at her. Even when she was the main cause. John and Elizabeth were just a bump in the road for her. Abigail does not care for anyone but herself and seems to have the reputation of spreading lies and destruction where ever she goes. The last and final reason John is to cause for the trials is because he prioritizes his reputation over his integrity. During the trials he wouldn’t admit the girls were lying, because then he would have to disclose information about his affair. He cared more about keeping his good name than clearing anyone else’s, until it was too late. He knows he’s a fraud but it’s important for him to keep his stamina so no one else will think of him that way. When John finally comes to terms with his integrity it is already too late, and the damage has been done. It isn’t until he gets to the gallows that he finds his pure ness and refuses to confess a lie to save his life. Maybe if he would’ve cared less about what others might say all of this trouble could’ve been avoided. In conclusion John proctor is responsible for the outbreak of the trials because of his affair, his act of pride, and because he values his reputation more than his integrity. Overall causing the outbreak of the trails. Abigail should be considered a main cause as well for her acts of; selfishness, lies, and manipulation throughout the play. The two of them together acted upon their desires and their lack of empathy for anyone besides themselves.

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