What the main objectives and concerns are for SME manufacturing firms based in the west midlands and what the best possible Brexit outcome would be for these companies?
the amount of communication noise. The mode by which the recipient reacts is called feedback. Advertising communication has the following features: the communicator is the author of the ad, the recipient is the receiver and the conveyed message is marketable material that targets to realize the ad objective, since all communication will be classed as being productive when there is a feedback.
Each advertising sign has its own shape – whether it is big, small, rounded or angular – and by changing shapes, the advertisements reach certain rhythm. Ideally, colour also plays a special role too – mostly by putting crucial shapes into human attention. The basic shapes have their own symbolism. The square indicates stableness and unity, but, paradoxically, advertising uses it only rarely. The rectangle is rather typical for print media than for television promotion, but it can be stated that its features are like in the case of the square. The triangle is symbolically networked to terrestrial world; it can represent anything in the spiritual world. The circle may affect the receivers as easy impression; it reminds us of perfection or alteration. Generally speaking, the oval shapes evoke balance and peace. In thousands of cases, they are directly applied to the corporate logo. Unfinished shapes are the best for attracting attention, although they do not always communicate the most wanted significance.
Music is, no doubt the most used acoustic element in advertising in the past and in the present day. It is connected to symbolic audio stimuli that are able to prevail over all thought diegetic noises of environment (non-symbolic audio stimulus), or more exactly constitute