Choose three of the following five topics:
major health issues affecting Canadian Aboriginal women
the importance of a culture-specific definition of health and wellness
gender and culture bias in the research process
the effects of colonization on Aboriginal women’s health and wellness
an Aboriginal perspective on colonization
Go back over the answers you have written to the study questions and other notes you have made in your journal for ideas on what to include in your essays. Whichever topics you select, the essays should show that you have mastery of the material in Units 1 and 2.
more recognised muscled body type with an active personality. Sheldon believed that Mesomorphy associated with active and aggressive but lacking sensitivity and inhibition and that criminals are high in Mesomorphy however correlation is not causation even if one type is found to correlate with crime, correlation may be due to another factor for example CJS focused on street crime, which would tend to capture more physically powerful criminals. As provocative need been the contention of Bernstein what’s more Murray’s book ‘ The Bell Curve’ (1994), which proposes that guiltiness will be connected to hereditarily inherited low IQ.
However both theories have many limitations, firstly classical theory have been signalled throughout this chapter. here they will be summarised for clarity. Concerns with classical theory can be broken down into two group, namely, problem with fairness in the case of individual, and neglect of inequalities in the broader social structure. It is very difficult to calculate rational deterrence, and if the problem is not dealt with the cause of crime it will never end. It is unfair not to consider the conditions that make someone commit the crimes and only the crime itself. Moreover different bag rounds might shape capacity to be rational and self controlling.
On the other hand there are critiques towards Hooton and Sheldon theory as the both similarly believe the same. the limitations are that even if the data that is collected is correct with is really unlikely to be, the prosecution for murder might be unfairly forced on ethnic groups. they don’t have the resources to legally defend themselves and they are put into difficulties in social conditions and any group put in difficult conditions might turn more to crime. Class and ethnic background affects whether you get classified as a criminal, even if there is a biological predisposition, other factors affect whether the person acts as a criminal for example aggressive disposition may lead to competitive behaviour not crime. But in general there has been growing consensus that there are biological risk factors for violence, aggression, crime.