Managerial Control and Workers’ Collective Action

Craft an essay (2,000 words) on the relations between managerial control and worker autonomy. The purpose of this paper is to explain why managers claim control of the labour process, why workers may engage in collective action to improve their incomes and working conditions, and how such collective action might impact management strategies. To do this, you need a thesis statement that allows you to decide which arguments from the readings you will use to develop your own line of argument. You also need to ensure that your arguments are in line with empirical findings presented in the readings. You are not expected to do further research. But you can, if you like. If you do, make sure to use scholarly sources and properly cite them. Also, use theories as a conceptual framework around which you can organize empirical evidence. The readings assigned in Units 4 and 5 introduce theories of bureaucracies, organizations, and managerial control and conflict. Look at them first, see which ones suit the arguments you want to advance, and construct your conceptual framework out of them before looking for the piece of evidence you need to support your arguments.

The essay should answer the following questions:

Why do managers claim control over the labour process?
Which forms of collective action might workers pursue to improve their incomes and working conditions?
Does workers’ collective action challenge managerial control? What can managers do to regain control?

Sample Solution

The core principle of classical jurisprudence as outlined by Beccaria can be summarised, the law should be restricted the individual as little as possible. The law should guarantee the rights of the accused at all stages of the criminal justice process. Punishment is only justified to an extent that the offender had infringed the right of others or injured the public good. As Beccaria (1761- 1963); put it, ‘it is better to prevent crimes rather than to punish them’. Much of Beccaria’s approach to the prevention of crime is often distilled down to three ideas and they are certainty, celerity and severity. Hobbs and Beccaria has the view that human beings are ‘hedonistic’ in nature. They are driven by pleasure and satisfaction and they try to avoid pain and discomfort.

Secondly significant figure recognised with Classism in English good and political scholar Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832). Similar to Beccaria, Bentham stressed a utilitarian understanding for free will. He accepted that singular acted rationally to augment their delight in any case that An the public eye which aggravated it conceivable for its part will understand their wishes might have been ethically talking a great person. The possibility for negative utility might need a revered impediment impact. However, discipline if not make any longer frightful over absolutely needed with perform its assignment from claiming deterrence, Overall it might unnecessarily increment downright of ache or despondency previously, pop culture.

Neo- Classicists, same time adopting vital features for classism, have corrected and more formed the perspective, in place with suit a extend of different components that could state pe

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