Managerial Dilemmas

Describe how Covey’s principle-centered leadership skills can be used to effectively resolve managerial issues. Briefly, give an example of a managerial issue and how it was resolved in your workplace (you may alter or omit names if you like). Why do you think there was an effective or ineffective resolution based on the outcome of your example? Would you have handled this dilemma in the same way? If not, what would you have done differently?

Sample Solution

Stephen Covey’s principle-centered leadership offers a framework for resolving managerial issues based on universal principles rather than quick fixes. Here’s how it can be applied:

Utilizing Covey’s Principles:

  1. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood: Listen to all involved parties with empathy, gathering information before formulating solutions.
  2. Begin with the End in Mind: Clearly define the desired outcomes for the organization and individuals involved.
  3. Put First Things First: Prioritize tasks based on importance, not urgency, focusing on long-term goals.
  4. Think Win-Win: Seek mutually beneficial solutions that address everyone’s concerns.
  5. Sharpen the Saw: Invest in self-renewal and development for both leader and team.
  6. Synergy: Value collaboration and leverage the strengths of each team member.

Example: Communication Breakdown (Modified)

Scenario: Let’s say a manager, Sarah, noticed a decline in team morale and productivity. After applying Covey’s first principle, Sarah discovered the team felt excluded from decision-making. This contradicted the company’s goal of employee engagement (principle #2).


  • Sarah scheduled regular team meetings for open communication (principle #4).
  • She delegated tasks based on individual strengths (synergy, principle #6).
  • The team brainstormed solutions, leading to a more inclusive decision-making process (principle #1 & #4).


This approach likely led to increased morale and productivity due to improved communication, empowerment, and a sense of ownership. It aligns with Covey’s principles of win-win solutions, seeking first to understand, and putting first things first.

My Approach:

I would have followed a similar approach, focusing on open communication and collaborative problem-solving. Additionally, I might have:

  • Implemented a suggestion box or anonymous feedback system (principle #1).
  • Engaged in team-building exercises to foster trust and collaboration (synergy, principle #6).
  • Scheduled individual check-ins to address specific concerns (principle #1).


Covey’s principles offer a framework for sustainable solutions to managerial issues. By prioritizing understanding, collaboration, and long-term goals, leaders can empower their teams and achieve lasting success.

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