Managing a publicly traded

Question 1:

For the week eleven discussion board I would like you to take a look at a company website of your choice. The company must be publicly traded. Explore their website to learn more about the company. After researching the company answer the 4 questions listed below. Be sure to provide specific details in your post that you found on the website for the company you chose. Be sure to provide a link to the website of the company you chose to use for this assignment.

1. What do you think are the company’s overall, long term goals?

2. Develop a balanced scorecard. Include two to five measures in each of the scorecard’s perspectives.

3. How would the balanced scorecard affect the way managers develop the company’s strategy?

4. Explain the concept of lead and lag measures in the context of the scorecard you developed.

(400-450 words in word document with references 6 years or less old)(Please follow APA format) Please 3 references from journals or books will be appreciated.

Question 2:

Do you believe that all data should be encrypted? Many computing professionals think this is a good idea. But a small number of computing experts feel that no data should be encrypted—that all data and software should be openly available to anyone who wants it. Explain your answer (whether you believe all data should or should not be encrypted).

(400-450 words in word document with references 6 years or less old)(Please follow APA format) Please 3 references from journals or books will be appreciated.

Questioin 3:

In this module, you learned that random numbers (or, at least, pseudorandom numbers) are essential in cryptography, but it is extremely difficult even for powerful hardware and software to generate them. Go online and conduct research on random number generators. What are the different uses of these tools besides cryptography? How do they work? Explain your answer using your own words.

(900-1000 words in word document with references 6 years or less old)(Please follow APA format) Please 3 references from journals or books will be appreciated.

Sample Solution

ecause Operation Barbarossa was considered a failure, Adolf Hitler decided that a new plan of attack needed to be formed. Hitler named this plan Operation Blue. Much to the dismay of his war generals, who wanted the target of Operation Blue to once again be Moscow, Hitler decided to focus on the oil fields in the Caucasus region. He did this for two very important reasons. The first was that without oil, the Soviet army would eventually collapse. The second was that with access to Soviet oil, it would only be a matter of time before Germany conquered Soviet Russia.

Heart of the Story

July 17, 1942, Germany and Adolf Hitler’s Sixth Army, led by General Paulus, reaches the gates of Stalingrad perched upon the Volga River. After trekking through the muddy trails and roads throughout the Russian Steppes and Caucuses, German forces unknowingly begin the bloodiest and most influential siege in modern history. On the other side, a cold Joseph Stalin commands his army, aided by his General, Georgy Zhukov, and prepares his orders to keep his namesake alive. By the start of the battle Soviet forces were 187,000 strong with over 2,000 pieces of artillery, however, these number increased exponentially as the battle waged on. Across the Volga stood 270,000 Nazi infantryman armed with 3,000 pieces of artillery, 500 tanks, and 600 aircraft. Similar to the Soviets, these numbers only grew. All signs and details observed before the battle pointed towards this being one of the most important battles of World War II.

Both sides were placed in a do-or-die situation. Nazi Germany placed an extreme amou

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