Managing change, creativity, and innovation



write about 300 words for each discussion question;

Innovation and the change management process are vitally linked to how companies react to their environments. These have their genesis in theories, which are operationalized into practice.
• Which are the main types of innovations?
• Identify relevant examples (NOT from the textbook). (i.e. define each with support, then answer through your definitions.
• Next, list a number of barriers to innovation and describe what management can do to offset these barriers.
• What is the relationship between theory development and management practice? Give a specific example of this relationship (Not from the textbook)

Change is an activity and mindset that many resist. Kotter proposed a “dual operating system” for accelerating change.

• What are the main reasons why people resist change? (Support response with academic sources, and not just your opinion).
• Then, give an example when YOU were resistant to change. Explain what the change was about, why you resisted, and what was the outcome.
• Describe Kotter’s idea of a dual operating system for making change happen in an accelerating world. (and support your answer). Then provide a critical assessment.


Organizational Development is not just a list of “tools” or activities that are templated, but involves understanding values, ethics, and the ability to create in specific environments to decipher “best” solutions for a given case.
• Describe what role creativity plays in innovation in contemporary cultural and economic life? Give a personal example.
• What do you believe are the main cognitive factors that may predict creative achievement? (Use examples from your personal life to illustrate your points).
• Do you believe that knowledge is beneficial to creativity and innovation? Why or why not?


• What does Amabile mean by the notion of the “threshold of sufficiency?”
• Do you agree with her opinion that evaluation can have a negative effect on creativity? Support your positions on these.
• In your opinion, are strong, cohesive cultures conducive or detrimental to creativity and innovation? Illustrate your points by using real-life examples.

Sample Solution

  1. Innovation and Change Management

(a) Types of Innovations

  • Product Innovation: Introducing a new good or service to the market. Ex: Apple’s development of the iPhone revolutionized the mobile phone industry.
  • Process Innovation: Developing a new or improved way of creating or delivering a product or service. Ex: Online banking streamlined the financial transactions process for customers.
  • Disruptive Innovation: Creates a new market and value network that eventually disrupts an existing market and value network. Ex: Airbnb disrupted the traditional hospitality industry by offering a peer-to-peer accommodation platform.
  • Incremental Innovation: Small improvements to existing products or services. Ex: Continual upgrades to smartphone cameras enhance photo quality.
  • Open Innovation: Leveraging external sources of ideas and knowledge to develop new products or services. Ex: Crowdsourcing platforms allow companies to gather ideas from a broader audience.

(b) Barriers to Innovation and Management Solutions

  • Fear of Failure: Aversion to risk can stifle innovative ideas. Management can foster a culture that encourages calculated risks and celebrates learning from failures.
  • Lack of Resources: Limited financial or human resources can hinder innovation. Management can explore alternative funding sources, prioritize resource allocation, and encourage resource sharing within teams.
  • Bureaucracy: Rigid processes and hierarchical structures can slow down innovation. Management can streamline procedures, empower employees, and create cross-functional teams to promote agility.
  • Resistance to Change: Employees may be hesitant to adopt new ways of working. Management can engage with employees, provide clear communication about the benefits of change, and offer training and support during the transition.

(c) Theory and Management Practice

Example: Diffusion of Innovation Theory by Everett Rogers explains how innovation adoption spreads within a population. Management can utilize this theory by identifying early adopters within their organization, encouraging them to champion new ideas, and observing their successful adoption to influence others.

  1. Resistance to Change and Kotter’s Dual Operating System

(a) Reasons for Resistance to Change (with Academic Sources)

  • Habit: People are comfortable with the status quo. (Source: Steel, P., & Wejnert, D. M. (2001). Theoretical integration of habit and intention: The role of habit in health behavior maintenance.)
  • Loss of Control: Change can make people feel uncertain and out of control. (Source: Brockner, J., De Witt, R., Grover, S. L., & Hunsaker, P. (1992). Predicting reactions to organizational change: The role of perceived fairness, trust, and voice. Academy of Management Journal, 35(3), 724-743.)
  • Fear of the Unknown: Uncertainty about the consequences of change can breed fear. (Source: Van den Bossche, P., De Cremer, D., & Van der Heijden, B. (2003). The role of emotions in resistance to organizational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 16(4), 382-403.)

(b) Personal Example of Resistance to Change

(Replace with your own experience) For example, when my workplace implemented a new software system, I initially resisted because it differed significantly from the familiar program I used before. I worried about decreased efficiency and making mistakes in the new environment. After attending training and receiving support from colleagues, I eventually adapted and found the new system offered greater functionality.

(c) Kotter’s Dual Operating System

Kotter’s Dual Operating System proposes that organizations need two distinct but aligned systems for managing day-to-day operations and leading change initiatives.

  • Hierarchal System: Maintains stability and manages daily activities.
  • Network System: Focuses on flexibility, communication, and rapid decision-making to drive change.

Critical Assessment:

Kotter’s model offers valuable insights for managing change. However, critics argue it might be overly simplistic for complex organizational structures. Additionally, achieving a perfect balance between the two systems can be challenging.

  1. Creativity and Innovation in Organizational Development

(a) The Role of Creativity in Innovation

Personal Example: (Replace with your own experience) For instance, while brainstorming marketing ideas, I combined elements from two seemingly unrelated concepts, resulting in a novel and effective campaign strategy.

Creativity fuels innovation by fostering the generation of new ideas and solutions. It allows organizations to adapt to changing environments and develop unique products or services.


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