Many people like Juan and Maria live where industrial poultry or livestock operations have become established. Suppose the well water is found to contain high levels of nitrates after Juan’s most recent test and Juan and Maria cannot move due to income limitations. A term used to describe situations in which undesirable industries or waste disposal sites are preferentially located in low-income or minority areas is known as environmental injustice. Not only must residents who live in rural communities be aware of water contamination, but they also must be aware of air pollution and soil toxicity.
List three additional precautions Juan and Maria could have taken to protect their health before purchasing their current home.
Identify the steps they could take to improve their chances of a successful pregnancy.
Describe what they might do to restore the safety of their well water.
Identify the local, state, and federal agencies that might be able to help them.
Analyze whether Juan and Maria’s situation might suggest that theirs is a case of environmental injustice.
Describe your state’s regulations regarding the establishment of huge factory farms.
Identify whether industrial hog farms are problem in the county or state where you live.
Identify whether industrial cattle feedlots are problem in the county or state where you live.
Explain how you became aware of environmental health issues.
For example, prior to reading this scenario, were you aware of the dangers posed to residents living in rural farm areas?
The Environmental Health assignment
Additional Precautions Before Purchase:
Improving Chances of a Successful Pregnancy:
Restoring Well Water Safety:
Potential Assistance:
Environmental Injustice:
Juan and Maria’s situation has strong indications of environmental injustice. They likely have limited resources due to income constraints and may not have had the power to choose a location free from industrial agriculture’s potential health risks.
State Regulations on Factory Farms:
Unfortunately, I cannot access information specific to your state’s regulations. However, you can likely find relevant information by searching the website of your state’s Department of Environmental Protection or Department of Agriculture.
Industrial Farms in Your Area:
Similarly, I cannot determine if industrial hog farms or cattle feedlots are issues in your county or state. You can find this information through your state’s Department of Agriculture website or by contacting your local cooperative extension office.
Becoming Aware of Environmental Health Issues:
Environmental health issues can come to light through various means. Here are some examples:
Prior Awareness of Dangers in Rural Areas:
The dangers posed to residents living near industrial agriculture can be a complex issue. While some may be aware of potential air and water pollution concerns, the specific health risks associated with nitrates in drinking water might not be as widely known.