Maria Stewart (1803 –1879): teacher, journalist, abolitionist, and women’

write 3-4 pages; 4-5 paragraphs of 7-9 sentences. Note their accomplishments, contributions, and what lessons we can learn from their life and work. Answer the following questions: What do you think everyone should know about this person? How has this historical figure impacted the thinking of scholars in the field of Black Studies?

Sample Answer

Maria Stewart was a free born American of African decent born in 1879 and becamae a teacher, lecturer, journalist, women rights activist and an abolitionist. She is believed to the first woman to address n audience of both men and women, white and blacks and the American woman of African background to address public lectures and lectures about women`s rights and made first speech on slavery.


Gwenn Sturgeon O'Keeffe addresses the significant point of why web-based social networking locales like Facebook and Twitter can cause such a great amount of harm to young people if not observed appropriately. Drawing from a broad bank of past research considers just as from her situation on the Council on Communications and Media for the American Academy of Pediatrics she clarifies why close checking can keep youthful clients from cyberbullying, sexting, "Facebook melancholy," and defenselessness to undesirable substance. O'Keeffe additionally clarifies the fixation clients experience checking their records 10 or more times each day. Giving a more profound understanding to the issues it can prompt sometime down the road and talking about what guardians ought to do in the event that they think that its hard to utilize and take part on a portion of the web based life destinations. She additionally gives a once-over of the computerized impression youthful clients can abandon for their future selves. All things considered, she gives a reasonable and solid message about the risks of online life and what guardians can do to ensure their youngster doesn't go down an inappropriate pathway. This article gives a more profound viewpoint on the perils of online networking and sparkles a light on what happens later on not far off. Reminding clients that once you put it out there it will consistently be there to discover. Urging guardians to watch out and get comfortable with the web based life locales their youngsters are utilizing. Giving incredible models and understanding on a squeezing theme that is assuming control over individuals' lives. This offers a superior investigate what guardians and watchmen can do to keep their kids from abusing online life and gives various reasons why internet based life is hazardous.

Kuss, D. J., and Griffiths, M. D. (2011, August 29). Online Social Networking and Addiction-A Review of the Psychological Literature. Recovered March 04, 2018, from

Daria J. Kuss and Mark D. Griffiths spread a profound upsetting theme about Social Network Site (SNS) Addiction Disorder. Drawing on the information from their very own investigation, Kuss and Griffiths give understanding on the dependence via web-based networking media and the harm it's doing to society. Scientists from Nottingham Trent University, Kuss and Griffiths offer data about use designs, SNS inspiration, negative results, and SNS fixation. They share the individual stories from members and issues they're encountering with genuine correspondence, relationship issues, scholastic issues and the hazard for dependence really uncovering the outlook the members are in and the hardship it's making for their lives. The creators accept that SNS compulsion is genuine and negatively affecting clients. Illuminating the perusers regarding d

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