Marilyn Monroe On The Jack Benny Television Show 1953(full episode)




After watching the shows, please provide a 300-400 word commentary on the following question: what conclusion could someone make about American society in the 1950s if they ONLY watched these shows?

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Please answer at least ONE review question from TV in America AND then answer the following from the Television and the Public Interest document:

1. Does the speech provide insight to the impact of television in American society in the 1950s? Does the speech reinforce or challenge how the TV in America article viewed television’s role in society?

2. Are the documents on television from the 1950s similar in content and perspective as the document on Radio in the 1920s?


Sample Solution

efficiency will increment. The contentions against partner capital incorporate individuals accepting that the financial backers merit the profits since they are all the ones facing the challenges. The individuals who support it say that it means a lot to check out at the long haul and focus on specialist spirit. I accept the more extensive view is critical. At the point when laborers feel like the supervisors genuinely care about them, they feel their occupation is significant and work harder.

Ordering a “Living Pay”
A living pay is how much cash that full-time representatives need to manage the cost of the necessities of life and furthermore live over the destitution line. A living compensation ally would contend that somebody ought not be ready to work forty hours of the week regardless live underneath the neediness line. The results of raising the lowest pay permitted by law to a living compensation are that organizations would probably terminate representatives to keep up with their compensation cap thus that their expense doesn’t increment. Likewise, a living pay would hurt private ventures and prompt them to raise their costs, which in the end influences everybody and makes everybody pay more. By and by, I concur that somebody ought not be working all day regardless be living in destitution yet I additionally think raising the lowest pay permitted by law is pointless and would make the expense of nearly all the other things increment.

Governmental policy regarding minorities in society
Governmental policy regarding minorities in society makes a move on gathering who will quite often endure segregation. For instance, schools will save a specific number of spots for minorities with the goal that they have a more level battleground with regards to getting in to school. As indicated by the high court, setting quantities for the quantity of specific minorities acknowledged into school and not filling those spots in the event that there isn’t an adequate number of qualified candidates is unlawful (Bakke versus Officials of the College of California). A contention on the side of governmental policy regarding minorities in society is that it can help minority understudies who don’t have a similar open door level to succeed and go to school as other non-minority understudies. A contention against governmental policy regarding minorities in society manages individuals who are qualified candidates and move dismissed so somebody less qualified that is a minority can get in to a specific school. For this situation, the choice would be founded exclusively on race and as I would see it should have been visible as separation. I comprehend the reason why governmental policy regarding minorities in society is significant yet I accept it shouldn’t assume a huge part w

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