Marketing chief of the brand of your choice in the entertainment industry


Imagine this scenario: You are the marketing chief of the brand of your choice in the entertainment industry. The revenue has gone down by 30% and you are losing clients. You know that an excellent social media marketing plan can prevent losing more clients and help the company to expand in its market. Elaborate a complete social media marketing plan explaining your strategy.

The social media marketing plan has to cover:

· Cover

· Table of Contents

· Introduction: Brief overview of the selected brand.

· Goals and Objectives of the social media marketing plan

· Social Media Presence (Where is the brand now and which tone are you aiming for?)

· Social Media Listening (Identify your main competitors and the influencers of your market. Where are you situated in relation to them?)

· Target

· Competitive analysis

· New Actions and new strategies

o Create one content as an example o Select the platforms and the resources o Stablish the schedule


Sample Solution

Marketing chief of the brand of your choice in the entertainment industry

Businesses worldwide have shifted focus to gathering customers on their social media platforms rather than their websites. Social media is crucial to the success of any company`s digital marketing strategy. Although the number of “follows,” “likes” and “shares” is still important, the credibility of a brand is distinguished by far more than just this. Today, social media requires a unique set of skills whereby brands need to fully understand the needs of their audience. Chatbots are the one digital tool that can communicate and resolve problems for your customers without the potential need for any human interruption. In addition, chatbots integrate with the platforms that consumers now feel most comfortable interacting through: social media.

administration style they best see fit for the present circumstance. Positional power can’t be estimated or measured, making it exceptionally equivocal and difficult for a pioneer to comprehend whether they have it or how then can acquire it. It turns into the obligation of the association to have strategies set up to furnish pioneers with some positional power, ordinarily by laying out an unmistakable hierarchal design. By laying out a progressive system, the pioneer is seen by the gathering to have the option to set expectations and expect consistence from them giving the pioneer authentic power (French and Raven, 1959). Also, by giving the pioneer the capacity to remunerate consistence and rebuff rebelliousness from the gathering, the pioneer has reward and coercive power (French and Raven, 1959). To acquire total control over the gathering the pioneer should acquire the trust and conviction of the gathering that they are fit for progress, by guaranteeing the gathering are both fulfilled and meeting execution objectives. The significance of laying out an order became clear during the arranging phase of the outside administration course for the red group, the organizers inside the group expected influential positions yet couldn’t acquire positional power because of the group being a companion bunch (Pettinger, 2007). The pioneers chose had little power and impact over the gathering as everybody was seen to have similar position, status and occupation, thus the pioneers had none of French and Ravens five bases of force (Pettinger, 2007). The outcome was pioneers with no positional control over the gathering, so couldn’t immediate the gathering with the technique for administration expected for the present circumstance. The undertaking had critical requirements, especially a brief period of time and an enormous gathering size, for the present circumstance Chelladurai suggests a totalitarian initiative style would be generally good (Chelladurai and Madella, 2006). The pioneers endeavored a dictatorial administration style, setting individual assignments for the gathering, but because of the unfortunate chief part relations and absence of positional power the authority structure immediately turned into a majority rules system. The item was a very inefficient labor force at first due to the time spent examining how wa

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