Marketing plan


prepare the key components of your marketing plan, a vital part of your final business plan. Using the SCORE Business Plan Template pages 11 through 18.
• Prepare a document addressing market research, barriers to entry, threats and opportunities, product/service features and benefits, target customer, key competitors, positioning/niche, promotional budget, and pricing, you may include the worksheets found in the template.
Submit a paper that addresses the following.
1. identify the legal structure for your organization.
2. Selecting the appropriate legal form of your business is an important first step. You should examine the legal obligations of your business and the need to meet laws and government regulations. These may encourage you to adopt a legal structure that reduces your liability exposure.
3. Choose the organizational structure for your firm
4. Identify which structure you will use (refer to the unit notes) functional, process, product, and consumers. Explain why you have made this choice and include an organizational chart identifying key employees and their responsibilities.
5. What are the processes and technology that you will need to create your product or service?
6. Now is a good time to think about the processes and technology that your enterprise will require, including the structure of your work. What are the job tasks that will need to be accomplished? How much of each process will each person control? Will one person take the process from beginning to end? Will the tasks require special competencies? What will the “jobs” look like? What CRM
7. Prepare an Organizational Chart showing the lines of authority and responsibilities
8. The Marketing Plan is critical to your business idea as it will lead to success or failure of your venture. A great idea is meaningless if you cannot find customers. Carefully drafted and logical financial projections will not be met unless you have customers to buy your product/service.



Sample Solution

A marketing plan is a company’s strategy for selling its product or service through advertising. The marketing plan will aid in determining who the target market is, how to best contact them, what price point the product or service should be sold at, and how the organization will track its progress. A market plan that is constantly monitored and adjusted is a vital component of running a business since it identifies the best and worst ways to create revenue. A business may not be able to survive for long without a successful marketing strategy.

quired for the situation is extremely useful in understanding the fundamentals of leadership (Pettinger, 2007). Chelladurai in his Multi Dimensional Model of Leadership, expands on much of Fiedler’s theory but in a continuum based approach, in which the leader can adapt their leadership style to fit the situation (Chelladurai and Madella, 2006). Chelladurai’s theory is taken from sports psychology but can be applied to an organisational scenario. It provides a much more empirical categorisation of task structure, clearly differentiating a plethora of situations that require certain leadership styles for success. Chealldurai found three characteristics that affect the leadership style required for a situation, called antecedents, they mainly expand upon Fiedler’s situational factors and leader – member relations and ultimately affect how a leader should behave towards a situation. The first are situational characteristics, the environment in which the leader must perform, the second are leader characteristics, the experience, personal qualities and skills of the leader, and the third are member characteristics, the motivation, skill and experience levels of group members (Chelladurai and Madella, 2006). The situational characteristics and member characteristics have a required behaviour to ensure maximum group performance, they also have a preferred behaviour to ensure the satisfaction of group members, if the leaders actual behaviour matches both the required behaviour and preferred behaviour of the situation the consequence is maximum group performance and satisfaction. However, if the group are not performing and achieving goals or are not satisfied or both, then the leader is able to amend their actual behaviour to improve this. Leaders able to monitor performance and satisfaction, and understand what is required to amend the situation will achieve optimum group performance in Chelladurai’s model.
The one limitation of Chealldurai’s model is that it assumes the leader is in a position of complete positional power over the group, and can implement any leadership style of their choosing without constraints. Positional power is the authority and influence a leader has over a group, if the leader has positional power, they will be able to implement the leadership style they best see fit for the situation. Po

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