Marketplace Game



This writing assignment asks you to reflect on the Conscious Capitalism Marketplace Business Game Simulation. Address the prompt with a letter to the Board of Directors. Use the elements of writing advantage and business communications and critical thinking skills as learned in this course.
Consider the following as components of your document:
1. Evaluate your company’s overall simulation performance. How well did you consider issues of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)in your strategic decision-making?
2. Lessons Learned
What went right in terms of strategy for Profits (manufacturing, marketing, sales, earnings), People (internal and external customers), and Planet (environmental and production sustainability)?
What went wrong right in terms of strategy for Profits (manufacturing, marketing, sales, earnings), People (internal and external customers), and Planet (environmental and production sustainability)?
What would you do differently to improve the company in terms of strategy for Profits (manufacturing, marketing, sales, earnings), People (internal and external customers), and Planet (environmental and production sustainability)?


Sample Solution


Sonnets of Seduction

People are frequently censured for being enticed via vehicles and casualties. This reason is likewise reflected in Alfred Tennyson’s “Lotos Eaters” and “The Lady of Shalott”. These character are additionally survivors of enticement from outer powers. We make a parity on the subject of sexual orientation and utilize a retreat as a device to explain the difference among people. In particular, both character bunches deserted their normal life them, twisted around to another den, depicted the self-destructive inclination, and always surrendered the difficulties of their past lives .

There are numerous likenesses between the sonnets of the two stories “cousin Kate” and “allurement” For instance, verse depends on affection and female maltreatment. Be that as it may, these two sonnets are likewise totally different in certain regards. For instance, the response to adore is diverse in verse. Since ‘Cousin Kate’ was made in the 1860 ‘s and’ The Seduction ‘was made in the 1970′ s, these sonnets are isolated by a hundred years. Thus, there are numerous contrasts between them. The distinction in time adds to the language wherein the artist is composed.

This sonnet can be portrayed as a charming verse of enticement. Various sonnets spread this subject, and it is utilized legitimately to allure stories that have just occurred. A few people wear sentimental analogy, others cause aggravation and obscure the perusers. The allurement utilized by Christopher Marlow’s “enthusiastic shepherds love him” passes on an appealing angle. Squires must offer significant things to friends and family, else they don’t should be enticed. “Enthusiastic shepherds love him,” and the sweetheart gives an anecdotal life to his adoration. There is no clue that nature is absolutely magnificent to make peaceful dream. The citation clarifies this, “I will make you a rose bed and a thousand fragrant verse.” This sonnet utilizes this honorable condition of nature to exemplify love of a friend or family member, however I can not trust it soundly. His verse pulls in youngsters’ considerations


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