Maslow hierarchy of needs


Research paper Maslow hierarchy of needs
Paper details:
• Identify Maslow’s 5 basic assumptions regarding motivation as well as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
• Discuss each assumption and hierarchy level.
• Include specific examples from Bible Scripture regarding motivation.
The paper meets structure requirements:
● The entire assignment uses current APA formatting.
● Correct grammar and spelling are evident.
● Should have a word count of at least 500 words.
● In-text citations present, in current APA format. Paraphrasing rather than direct quotes is preferred.
● The reference page includes at least 2 journal articles (published in the last 5 years) and the Bible in proper current APA format.
● Each reference listed on the reference page should also appear as an in-text citation and vice versa.




Sample Solution

Maslow hierarchy of needs

It was in 1943 a psychologist Mr. Abraham Harold Maslow suggested his Theory of Human Motivation. According to Maslow, human behavior is related to his needs. It is adjusted as per the nature of needs to be satisfied. Maslow proposed that motivation is the result of a person`s attempt at fulfilling five basic needs: physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization. Maslow`s theory is based on the following assumptions: (1) people`s behavior is based on their needs. Satisfaction of such needs influences their behavior. (2) A satisfied need does not motivate. People`s needs are in hierarchical order, starting from basic needs to other higher level needs. (3) A satisfied need can no longer motivate a person; only next higher level need can motivate him. (4) As one need is satisfied, another replaces it; a person moves to the next higher level of the hierarchy only when the lower need is satisfied.



Correspondence of E.coli Outbreak in the Community

Development of the event of E. coli in the network As a human administrations director in the event of disease, I will take every single essential measure to speak with youngsters, guardians and clinical staff in an ideal and powerful manner take. My first concern is to disengage maladies however much as could be expected and to permit those effectively tainted to get the treatment they need (Graham-Clay, 2005). On the off chance that illnesses, for example, Escherichia coli happen in a neighborhood secondary school, we will promptly illuminate the clinical staff.

Escherichia coli contaminations from food cause genuine disease, which can prompt genuine ailment and here and there death. Since treatment is constrained, avoidance by overseeing food handling is imperative to control the event of these infections. In any case, E. coli is profoundly flexible, versatile, can convey and move DNA, makes new strains and is impervious to current preparing and control strategies. Further exploration is required around there before unlimited oversight is gotten.

Intestinal hemorrhagic E. coli is a perceived ailment because of the event of a financially accessible inexpensive food burger. Manifestations of bacterial disease by E. coli incorporate serious loose bowels, generally blood, stomach agony and spewing. Kids younger than 4 are bound to build up this ailment. Related nourishments incorporate uncooked meat, unsterilized milk, juice. Sullied water can be brought about by fecal tainting of individuals who have pathogens. Indeed, even disinfectants utilized in certain items will most likely be unable to adequately wreck pathogens. Consequently, it is suggested that individuals with handicaps in the safe framework and other high-hazard bunches abstain from eating sprouts. Chloride-rewarded sprouts are still connected with the advancement of E. coli and Salmonella (Taormina and Beuchat 1999). Treatment incorporates steady consideration and checking of renal capacity (CDC, 2001). By and large, antibodies are contraindicated. The final product of kidney disappointment might be demise

MRSA disease was initially restricted to emergency clinics and unique nursing home, particularly individuals who are frail in the resistant framework. Since the 1980s, network type cases and pandemics have likewise been accounted for. The cases got in the network are cases not identified with hospitalization or dialysis, medical procedure or catheterization in the previous year. These diseases for the most part happen in other solid individuals and are probably going to be constrained to skin contaminations. Notwithstanding, over the previous decade, the expanded pathogenicity of MRSA microscopic organisms has brought about progressively genuine, now and then lethal network diseases. As of late, MRSA has been found in eatable creatures, and a few episodes are “food prompted” or foodborne. In one such episode, tainted individuals created run of the mill side effects of foodborne infections, for example, heaving and stomach cramps.





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