Using a psychosocial perspective and media research, you will analyze a product campaign to fully demonstrate your understanding of the effects and impacts of propaganda, social influence, persuasion, and attitude changes on society. You will also examine how your own behaviors are influenced by popular media and mass communication.
Select a company that is currently promoting one of its products and has an extensive advertising campaign running at this time.
For this week’s assignment, you create a power point presentation (1 title slide, 2 content slides, 1 reference slide), on the following:
Content Slide 1
: What product did you select, and why? What were your initial reactions to the product advertising campaign under analysis?
Did the campaign change your attitude? If so, how?
Did the campaign change your behavior? If so, what did you do differently?
Content Slide 2
: Choose two of the following sociopsychological approaches to describe your understanding of persuasion and propaganda used in the campaign:
Authority: Did the campaign use an authoritative figure to persuade you?
Reciprocity: Did the campaign offer something in reciprocation?
Commitment or Consistency: Do you feel a sense of commitment or need for consistency because of the campaign?
Social Proof: Do you feel a sense of social approval because of the campaign?
Likeability: Do you like the people in the campaign?
Scarcity: Does the campaign imply a scarcity of the product?
Include any media research and available data that are specifically related to your product and the advertising campaign.Reading and Learning Materials
also called for the return of “Richard Moreman” who notably opposed Henry VIII’s divorce to Catherine. These demands suggest then that the Cornish rebels were more threatening than initially gleaned, perhaps using religious grievances to implement radical political reform. Such a cause proved somewhat popular considering 6,000 men from Devon joined after hearing the proclamation. Despite this, Somerset demonstrated his incompetence by not quashing the rebellion early. Instead his government, without much direction from the distracted Duke, reacted in fear by offering to pardon all the rebels if they dispersed. Therefore, Bush’s view is convincing as Somerset enabled the rebellion to grow and was only compelled to intervene once the rebellion was obviously threatening; also supporting Manning’s (1979) assertion that “Somerset’s inept handling of the [1549 rebellions] brought about his downfall.” Indeed, the growth of the Cornish Rebellion in part inspired Kett’s Rebellion which occurred in the same year of 1549, proving that the state could not tolerate Somerset as leader if other rebellions had the confidence to develop. Kett’s Rebellion differed from the Cornish as it focused primarily on economic hardship, specifically the expansion of the enclosures. The enclosures meant that the gentry and local clergy men could expand small landholdings into larger farms and so took much away from the livelihood of the peasantry. Robert Kett himself was part of the gentry but felt so sympathetic to the peasantry that he had joined and even led the movement, making him a particular threat to the state. Kett’s rebellion resonated with far more than that seen in the Prayer Book rebellion in the same year; spreading the rebellion from Cornwall to East Anglia and gaining control of Norwich, the second largest city at the time. Somerset once again proved incompetent, sending a perfunctory commission to evaluate if the land was being taken at a disproportionate rate. Thus, Manning’s view is convincing as Somerset was clearly unable to differentiate between how serious Kett’s Rebellion was compared to the Cornish. Most significantly, Manning’s view is convincing because Somerset’s ineptitude created the opportunity for Dudley to exhibit his own competence by crushing Kett’s rebellion. Dudley then used this as his basis to overthrow Somerset as prince regent. Therefore, Somerset’s regency can indeed be labelled a ‘crisis’ for the Duke enabled England to grow int