Maternal history

You are called to a postpartum room and find Michael, a two-hour-old infant, irritable and spitting up copious amounts of formula. You do not know the maternal history, so you advise the mother that you would like to return the baby to the nursery for assessment and monitoring. In the medical record, you focus on the prenatal history and find the mother had an addiction to opioids with her last pregnancy but denied drug use with this pregnancy. You witness the baby having some significant tremors, vital signs: T (axillary) – 36.0, RR- 78, HR- 166, and the infant is alert, irritable, and does not console easily. The infant is constantly moving and sucking vigorously on the pacifier.


What do you think is occurring with the infant?

What lab test can be ordered to confirm your suspected diagnosis?

What interventions can be implemented to treat this infant?


Sample Solution

h it might cost a ton to house those detainees, many individuals have been demonstrated honest and completely different into a renewed individual while waiting for capital punishment. In specific situations, a few prisoners will be battling their case for quite a long time at a time and totally created during that time. In light of the time they spend in prison and the things they experience there, a few hoodlums waiting for capital punishment are done undermining (“Progressive” 5). Why executed a recently changed man or ladies when they could get a subsequent change and begin their life once again. Doubtlessly executing somebody when they have changed isn’t the most ideal choice. Regardless of whether they were not liberated they could invest their energy in jail and face a significantly less harsh discipline. Many state-started investigations have come to observe that completing the death penalty is considerably more costly than lodging detainees for existence without the chance for further appeal (“Preface” 1). Why spend individuals’ well deserved cash on executing somebody and having them squander a long time on their preliminary when they can sit in jail and manage the responsibility and disgrace of their activities for the remainder of their life in there. Consuming this existence in jail without the chance for further appeal is absolutely a superior and less brutal arrangement with regards to rebuffing the most exceedingly awful of lawbreakers (“Progressive” 5). Assuming those waiting for capital punishment were passed on to sit in jail and manage their activities for the remainder of their life it would be a considerably more intellectually unbearable and rebuffing daily routine to experience than taking the path of least resistance and finishing everything for an individual.

States, in any case, can utilize those citizens’ cash to go towards working on the existence of their residents and networks. As an ever increasing number of individuals are commiting wrongdoings and become detainees in jails, increasingly more cash is spent to keep up those offices and individuals who live in them. Expecting that death penalty was really implemented with greater seriousness, there would not be any more cash issues in the US jail framework. During a review waiting for capital punishment costs, Florida citizens pay 51 million dollars more a year than that they would keeping detainees waiting for capital punishment (“High” 1). This is a tremendous misuse of those residents hard brought in cash and it’s a horrible idea to continue to squander the cash when it could go to something more useful. The cash spent on keeping detainees could help the cops, courts, and legitimate assistance offices of the local area (“High” 1). This would be a vastly improved utilization of citizen cash and would help the whole local area not at all like the manner in which it is spent now, keeping detainees who don’t merit the advantage of living in the wake of carrying out such deplorable wrongdoings. Without a doubt, it is extremely clear what the most significant and fitting

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