Matlab script

Write a Matlab script (program) to model in-vitro cell growth in a petri-dish. User input parameters are: 1) total cells seeded, 2) doubling time (in hours, integer value), and 3) diameter (in inches) of petri-dish.

Using your knowledge of mathematics and programming in Matlab, model the cell growth based on the doubling time (cell population doubles at the end of every doubling time period). Account for cell death by assuming 10% of cells die during every doubling period. Assume an average cell to be circular with a diameter of 10 μm.

The script should output the following: plot cell density (cells per unit area) as a function of time indicating time point when the cells are confluent (entire dish is covered with cells).Upload the following files: Matlab script and sample output plot.

Sample Solution

It was the United States Presidential election of 1861 that Lincoln earned the largest position to lead from as he became the 16th President of the nation just a month before the Civil War began. As a newly elected President, Lincoln’s ability to lead would be immediately put to the test as he faced the task of uniting a nation that was now divided and at war. During Lincoln’s four years as the commander and chief there are an innumerable amount of actions that displayed his great qualities of leadership but there are two that truly defined what kind of leader he was. The first that came was the Emancipation Proclamation. On September 22nd 1862. Lincoln drafted and issued the Emancipation Proclamation that in essence was the first order that jump started the abolishment of slavery in a country that had been driven by it since its inception. Lincoln’s standpoint on slavery was not popular among all but his belief that slavery had no place in our nation was a belief that would gain the support of millions. Lincoln’s decision to issue the Emancipation was one that required a true leader to carry out, he knew there would be resistance but he knew it was the right course of action. Lincoln’s second action that displayed his tremendous leadership would be the famous Gettysburg Address. Following a Union victory at the battle at Gettysburg which was one of the most brutal and important battles of the Civil War, Lincoln gave a speech that would forever be remembered. Shortly after a battle that left over 50,000 men dead from both sides, Lincoln would capture the nation in just 273 words. In Lincoln’s address he would tell a tale of what it was this war was for, and what the goal was when it was finished, these ideals were all based off the Declaration of independence’s words that “all men are created equal” and Lincoln’s interpretation that this meant all men regardless of color. Lincoln painted a post war picture that included a “new birth of freedom”. Within the address lied Lincoln’s beliefs of human equality and desire to preserve the government structure that was inscribed in the De

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