“Media education is a lifelong process.”


A) Does your list of “must have media” reflect your personal values? How?

B) Do you feel that media’s targeting of specific groups for specific content has had adverse effects or our society? Positive effects? Explain and cite examples.

C) Considering the concept of the digital divide as you read in this week’s readings, is it problematic that the internet is becoming driven by economic objectives? Explain your answer.

D) After reading 21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook, Chapter 62: Media Literacy, you read that “media education is a lifelong process.”


Sample Solution

My list of ‘must have media’ does reflect my personal values in that it contains items which I use to help me stay informed and connected to the world around me. This includes books, magazines, newspapers, online forums and blogs as well as a variety of social media platforms. Through these sources I am able to read about current events, keep up with news stories from around the world and interact with people from different backgrounds. All of this allows me to form a better understanding of the issues affecting my community and the wider world which is something I highly value.

Furthermore, having access to these sources also enables me to take part in meaningful conversations on topics that matter most to me – whether it be politics, human rights or environmentalism just to name a few. This is because they provide an opportunity for open dialogue between individuals who may not always agree with one another but still manage to come together through shared interests (Baker et al., 2017). Overall then, my selection of must have media reflects my values of being informed and engaged citizens by connecting us all through our common humanity.

The Parliament of Ghana passed a revision bill to the Bank of Ghana Act 2004 in August 2016. The 2016 Demonstration is to connect provisos the 2004 Demonstration, carry guidelines at standard with worldwide prescribed procedures, brace the independence of the national bank, present new capabilities and wipe out the impact of the Money Priest in designating board individuals. The nation likewise went into an IMF-upheld Broadened Credit Office Program in 2015 which determined zero-supporting by the national bank to government rather than the 5% funding ceil passed by Parliament.

Examination of current realities and issues
SWOT examination is a business investigation method or procedure plan device utilized to assess the qualities of an element to take advantage of chances for development, address shortcomings and relieve dangers to decide strategies that will best adjust the capabilities and assets to accomplish put forth objectives (Al-Zoubi and Honotoria, 2007; Steerages and Nixon, 2010; Ommani, 2011; Wang, 2007). Al-Fayoumi and Abuzayed (2009) and Dhingra (2013) used SWOT investigation to survey the Jordanian financial area and Indian public area banks separately. Lu and Yadong (2012) additionally utilized SWOT examination in the investigation of five country banks in Heilongjiang region in China. Saravanan and Haneef (2011) involved SWOT examination as a feature of key arranging process Non-Bank Monetary organizations in India.

Figure 1 underneath portrays a SWOT chart of the Ghanaian financial framework.

The orderly changes and allowing of widespread licenses not just prompted a deluge of unfamiliar and exclusive banks yet additionally changed the Ghanaian financial area, extended bank offices with growing store base and expanded contest (Ackah and Asiamah, 2014; Akuffo-Duah, 2011; Bawumia and Asiamah, 2008; Opoku-Agyemang, 2015). The rising rivalry over the long run brought about arrangement of different items and administrations, inflated cost productivity, worked on corporate administration, risk the board and diminished cost of monetary administrations (Denizer et. al., 2000; Boyd and Nicolo, 2005). The changes likewise guaranteed steadiness in the financial framework and store security.

The Bank of Ghana Act 2004 enables the national bank to uphold strategies that acclimate to improvement of the financial business and monetary area without legislative impact. Taking on the Basel Accords and Global Monetary Detailing Principles helps with obstructing fundamental gamble. Daske (2006), Hail, Leuz and Wysocki (2010) and Karamanou and Nishiotis (2009) found that embracing global announcing norms prompted expanded liquidity, diminished cost of value capital, improved nature of bookkeeping data and uplifted exposure.

The area was nearly protected from an immediate effect of the 2007 worldwide monetary implosion incompletely because of negligible interconnectedness to worldwide monetary business sectors and reliance on minimal expense inner assets (Ackah, Aryeetey and Aryeetey, 2009; Cobbinah and Okpalaobieri, 0000; Terrados, Almonacid and Honotoria, 2007). OECD (2010) gave and similar to declaration that Australian and Canadian banks relied generally upon hous

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