Examine Hollywood film’s exportation to China. As we know, there is a set quota of
number of films that can be imported into China, I want to study how Hollywood films enter China, and how the
Chinese market choose which films to import.
China’s cinema market has been growing dramatically in recent years. Hollywood exports revenue-sharing movies to China to receive additional box-office revenues. Although globalization accelerates Hollywood movies’ domination in most global film markets, that is not the case in China. Hollywood studios encounter cultural and political complications in China’s cinema market. This research reviews the interplay of Hollywood globalization and the complexity of China’s cinema market, applies a relationship management perspective in analyzing Hollywood studios’ China-focused endeavors, identifies and discusses five key relations, and analyzes why and how Hollywood studios have strategically managed the key relations to boost their revenue-sharing movies’ box-office performance in China.
ils of the design. On the other side, Pfleeger and Atlee decided to focus on the risks that are related to change and state that Bohner and Arnolds impact analysis can have many risks such as estimates of the resources, effort and schedule. P2: Evaluate the ways in which internal and external drivers of change affect leadership, team and individual behaviours within an organisation. Leaders can influence and help guide colleagues under them, so the organisation can be more effective in achieving their goals. Some leadership styles that are affected by external factors are organisational environment, organisational resources, employee roles, organisational culture, political factors and technology Organisations have their own work environments with their own values. These values are the care the organisation has for their community, staff, investors and customers and also determine how the business will be led. Leaders are dependent on their organisation’s resources such as technology, finance and physical resources to help achieve their goals. The success of an organisation depends on how well resources are handled and distributed. When employees take an important role in the organisation. Their position is defined by tasks and responsibilities that they have. Each employee has a different way in approaching tasks that can impact their career. They also effect the organisation by their work ethics and personal values. Each role will have difficulties that leaders must face to help the business.