Mental Disorders



Identify the different assessment and diagnostic methods related to mental disorders

Research the main categories of mental disorders and their evaluation and assessments. For example, you can use your favorite Internet search engine to look up the following sites:

National Institute of Mental Health
American Psychological Association Help Center


Sample Solution

pects of materials/source and sustainability, leading onto questions like, Why the objects were made? Who were they designed for? What was the need to create them? Where did they come from and where will go to? Object based learning starts to create an initial sense of curiosity and as Ken Robinson, 2016 explains his YouTube video ‘’What is creativity?’’, he highlights the importance of creativity in schools, where he breaks down the process into: Imagination: bringing a concept back into our minds through interoperating stimulus; Creativity: putting that ‘imagination’ to work and working towards an outcome; Innovation: Putting those ideas into practice through igniting every pupils creative potential (Robinson, 2016). ‘’Claxton, Lucas and Webster (2010:9), writing about embodied cognition within education wrote that ‘Handling materials and literally ‘’getting to grips’’ with problems allows us to see things and inform our understanding in ways that simply looking and thinking do not.’ ‘’ They suggest: Learning to be more practical which involves higher levels of thinking skills that learners would benefit from. The notion of active/object-based learning stimulating the minds of young children is also highlighted through authors Owen-Jackson, Claxton, Lucas and Webster (2013, p.71), where they mention the importance of such a pedagogy in relation to children’s evaluative and cognitive development. So, are we as educationists limiting our pupils’ rational thinking when we teach and expect the processing of information through a visual and passive means only? With such wide-ranging learning practices, should our classrooms not be involved in more learning that makes room for hands on experience and critical reflective thinking? Including those in a more inclusive learning environment where all our senses can be utilised for a richer learning experience?

When considering learning styles and methods of teaching, popular forms of active/object based learning methods are used as a pedagogy in the school environment. To name a few, there are demonstrations, group work, watching video-clips, the use of text-books and hands-on games/activities. These active/object based learning methods exist to cater all pupils and abilities in the classroom and to allow different learners to feel include

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