Mental Health

Video Transcript:

Focus on the sections titled “Open Questions” and “Reflecting Skills.”
Watch both of the Demonstration of Counseling Skills—Responding to Client Statements (statements 1 and 2) media programs in your Learning Resources.
Pick one of these two sessions to focus on
Re-watch the video and review the transcription of the media program you chose; attend to the client’s statements and reflect on how the counselor’s responses influenced the interactions.
A Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 1 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 1 Program Transcript [MUSIC PLAYING] DR

Guidelines to create and upload your video are located in the Kaltura Uploader link in the navigation on the course Home page. (Note: Please be mindful of the technical requirements needed when creating your video.)
Assignment (video and transcript of 3 client statements and 3 counselor responses):

Record a video that includes you speaking each client statement you have selected, followed by the counselor response you generate.
In your counselor responses, be sure to demonstrate the following skills:
One paraphrase
One reflection of feeling
One open question
document each client/counselor exchange, word-for-word, in the “Transcribed Text of Session” column on the Counseling Skills Transcription Template (Refer to the Kaltura Captioning Job Aid in the User Guide)
As you review the transcription, identify each microskill demonstrated using the abbreviations provided on the template.
In the “Counselor Comments” column, provide comments that demonstrate evidence of self-reflection and critical thinking related to your application of each skill attempted (e.g. what were you trying to do? Did it work? If not, why? What would’ve made it more effective?).
At the bottom of the document, after the transcription, include a 1-page reflection describing your experience demonstrating, recording, and evaluating your application of microskills.

These are the videos only choose one that’s easier for you

. JENKINS: Hi, Mark. I’m Dr. Jenkins. It’s so nice to meet you.

MARK: Yeah, thank you.

DR. JENKINS: So thanks for coming in today. Tell me a little bit about what brought you in.

MARK: Yeah, sure. Thank you for seeing me. I am in the midst of making a pretty big life change decision. I am 48 years old. And I have been in banking for the past a little over 20 years. And I have made the decision to go back to graduate school and get a master’s degree. DR. JENKINS: Wow. So I’m seeing some apprehension here. I’m seeing a little nervousness. So talk to me about what that means for you. MARK: Yeah, I’m very anxious about it. I’m excited about it. And I’ve made the decision to do it. But I do have a lot of apprehension just because of a number of things. I’m married. And I have two daughters. And they are just starting college. And so it’s a stressful time at home financially and just emotionally. And our daughter is leaving the house and going away. But it also seems like a good time for me to do this just because it’s something that I’ve always wanted to do. The degree is in counseling. And that is something that is important to me and something that I’m excited about doing. But I’m nervous about just all the changes that are going to occur because of this. DR. JENKINS: Wow. So let me stop you right there, because that’s a lot. You know? To have children going off to college and to have the financial worry of that. I could see where this could all be overwhelming. But at the same time, I see so much excitement in your eyes. Like, wow, they’re going off. I’ve raised them. They’re going off on their own. And now, maybe it’s my time. MARK: Exactly. Yeah. The timing, in that sense, really seems good. As I said earlier, this is something I’ve wanted for a long time. I’ve been happy in my career. I’ve been successful. © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 1 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 1 But it seems like the right time to make this change and pursue this new goal. So it is a new chapter. And that’s the exciting part. But there are the aspects of just not having income for a while. I’m going to go to school full-time, so I’m really nervous about that, and my wife is too. So she works full-time, and she’s very supportive. So she’s on board with this. But we’re both nervous about that, about the financial aspect. DR. JENKINS: So how do you see that impacting your family financially? MARK: Well, we’ve saved a lot, especially for the girls to go to school, so that’s not an issue. But just our monthly expenses and any extra things that might come up related to the girls being in school. A little nervous about that. I mean, we’ve prepared financially. But you never know what could happen. So I’m a little worried about that and just the expense of graduate school. It is really expensive these days. DR. JENKINS: So it sounds like you have a good support network, that everyone’s supportive of it. Your concern is those rainy day kind of situations. Like, what if the car breaks down at college? And how are we going to be able to afford that? MARK: Right. DR. JENKINS: And so that’s where some of this apprehension comes from. It’s not the degree itself or anything. It sounds like you’ve worked for 20 years in banking, but now you’re kind of looking to fulfill yourself? Is that what I’m getting from you? MARK: Yeah. I love working with people, always have. And in my line of work, that’s been something that has excited me in having contact with the public. And this will be at a deeper level, obviously, as a counselor. But it’s interesting you mentioned support. And my wife is being very supportive about this. But I do have concerns about other family members. And how they might react to this. DR. JENKINS: OK. So talk to me about that. MARK: Well, my parents are both still living and hers are as well. And we haven’t shared yet these plans with them. And I’m very anxious about that and just what they may think about this change in my life at this age and with what’s going on with the girls being in school. And I’m a little nervous about how they may react. © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 2 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 1 DR. JENKINS: OK. So I’m you. And you’re your dad. Dad, I’m thinking about going back to school and getting a counseling degree. MARK: Wow. This late in life? That’s interesting. Why are you deciding to do this? What about your job? What about what you do in banking? DR. JENKINS: Well, I’m going to be 49 anyway, so I might as well– MARK: That’s a good answer. DR. JENKINS: –do what I love. MARK: Yeah. But what about the bills? And the girls are starting school this fall. And how can you afford to do this? DR. JENKINS: I’m not going to lie yo you. It’s going to be a challenge. But this is something I’ve thought about for a very long time. And it’s really how I envision the rest of my life. How did that feel? MARK: You make it seem really easy. I don’t know if I can do that. DR. JENKINS: It’s harder. MARK: Yeah. DR. JENKINS: It’s definitely harder. And parents are from another generation. And they think you’ve got a good job. MARK: Right. DR. JENKINS: Why are you messing that up? MARK: Right. DR. JENKINS: You know? And so having those conversations and preparing that, and they may never get it. But you have to do what’s right for you. MARK: Well, and you’re exactly right. I mean, it’s that generation. My parents, their way of thought of you have a job. You have a career. You’ve established all these connections and networking. And you’re settled. Why in the world would you want to stop at this age? DR. JENKINS: Uproot all of that. © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 3 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 1 MARK: Exactly. And your retirement and all of that, you’re putting that at risk. So that’s going to be their reaction, I know. DR. JENKINS: So knowing that, knowing how they’re going to react, does that that make you put that like in the rear view mirror? Has that impacted you? MARK: Well, it’s not making me reconsider my decision, but it makes me still feel very anxious about what they may think about me in doing this. Maybe a little disappointment. DR. JENKINS: OK. MARK: They have really been supportive and proud of my career. And I’m a little anxious about disappointing them. DR. JENKINS: OK. And that’s hard. MARK: Yeah. DR. JENKINS: And I can just see like the happiness of, you know, the goals that our parents set for us, and what that means for us to impress them and to live a good life and all of those things. However, what I’m hearing is you’ve done that. And you’ve kind of checked that off of your list. MARK: Yeah. DR. JENKINS: You know? And so for you going into the next phase of your life, because 48– I heard you say earlier that, oh, you know, why now? Why so late? I mean think of, it could be another 40 years that you do counseling for. MARK: Yeah, that’s true. DR. JENKINS: And there’s 401(k)s in counseling. And there’s all these other things. So I love how excited you are because it tells me that you’re going to be passionate about counseling. MARK: Yeah, yeah. DR. JENKINS: And you never know because you could have your own private practice, and you could go on. And they could be even more proud of you than they were of you as a banker. MARK: Yeah. I mean, that’s a good point in that I am passionate. I mean, I’m very excited about this decision and learning more about the counseling field. But © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 4 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 1 that whole idea of a practice and re-establishing myself in a different career and financial, that seems so far away. DR. JENKINS: Yes. MARK: Because I know school is going to require two or three years. And then there’s licensure and all of that. So, yeah, that seems like a long way off. DR. JENKINS: Right. And so to explain that to them, and they won’t be able to get it, again, seems overwhelming. MARK: Right. DR. JENKINS: It seems daunting. You’re going to have to justify yourself. And so that’s what makes it so hard. MARK: Yeah. DR. JENKINS: So let’s not concentrate on that. MARK: OK. I’ll try not to. DR. JENKINS: Because that could really keep you back from that. MARK: Yeah. DR. JENKINS: So you know what I’m hearing is a lot of positives, a lot of strengths, your family, meaning your wife and your daughters. You having this opportunity. Because when you have kids in the house a lot of times, you’re running them here. You’re running them there. You’re very busy. So you would have some extra time to study. And you would have a quiet space, unless your wife is just really loud. MARK: Yeah. And she’ll be at work. So you’re right. The scenario is perfect. DR. JENKINS: And you say that over and over again, the timing is now. MARK: Yeah. DR. JENKINS: You know? And so that’s something that only you can decide. I can’t decide that for you. So I think the hang-up here, from what I’m hearing, is the parents. But have you ever told them something in the past that they weren’t going to like, but you knew it needed to be said anyway? © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 5 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 1 MARK: Yeah. There were a couple of things at a young age deciding to get married at the age that I did. That was a big deal. And moving for my job. We had to move to a different state. And that was a really big deal being away from them and taking the kids. So yeah, there were some times where I had to share some big news with them like that and it was scary. DR. JENKINS: I’m sorry to cut you off. What was successful in those moments? Like, what got you over that? What helped with that? MARK: That’s a good question. I think just knowing that they really do care about me and my family. They’re concerned. And they love us. And that helps. And the support of Sherry, my wife. Knowing she’s there to back me up and support me. That made it seem easier and successful. DR. JENKINS: And both of those were some pretty big transitions. MARK: Yeah, yeah. DR. JENKINS: And things that they didn’t like. And things they didn’t understand. MARK: Right. Or actually things that I wasn’t sure if they were going to like or not. And it turned out OK. So, yeah. DR. JENKINS: So you can think about a couple of those times that you know what, I didn’t really want to have this conversation, but I did. And we’re OK. MARK: Right. DR. JENKINS: And it’ll be OK, if that’s the decision that you make. MARK: Right. DR. JENKINS: So on a scale of one to 10, one being I’m not going at all and 10 being I’m going to call tomorrow and get in– oh, look at the anxiety– I’m going to call tomorrow. Where are you at? MARK: Yeah, when I came in I was more at a two or three. And I feel now more at a six, maybe, definitely closer. DR. JENKINS: OK. MARK: Still a little anxious. But I don’t think I’ll do it tomorrow, but I feel better about it. Yeah. © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 6 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 1 DR. JENKINS: And for you, like I said, ultimately it’s your decision. I can’t tell you to go to school or not go to school. But one thing that might be good for you is to really plan it out. You know? Maybe it’s not today. Maybe it’s next year. Maybe it’s two years from now when you say, you know what, we’re going to save up this much money, and then I’ll feel good about going. MARK: Right. DR. JENKINS: You know, kind of thing. So there’s a lot of ways that you– because I don’t even think a pro con list would be good for you because you already know. There’s so many pros. And it’s got a couple of cons here. So if you can sort that stuff out, so I think just taking some time and really thinking about it. Like, what will get me to a 10? And what that means for you and what that means for your family. And maybe even initiating those conversations. Like, hey, you know what, I’ve been in banking for 20 years. I’m interested in doing something else. MARK: Right. DR. JENKINS: And kind of just laying the groundwork so that it’s not a huge surprise. MARK: Right. Well, and actually practicing with you helped. And maybe we could do more of that later. DR. JENKINS: Absolutely. MARK: Just sort of rehearsing how that conversation would go would be good. DR. JENKINS: With both mom and dad. MARK: Yeah. DR. JENKINS: Because I find that one parent is usually more receptive than the other parent. MARK: Right. DR. JENKINS: And then maybe you can get that parent to help you with the other. MARK: Exactly. © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 7 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 1 DR. JENKINS: So thank you so much for coming in. We’ll definitely, if you want to come back next week, we can look at that again and see where you’re at on the scale, and see what you want to do about that. MARK: That’d be great. DR. JENKINS: Thank you so much. MARK: Yeah, thank you. DR. JENKINS: Good to see you. [MUSIC PLAYING] Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 1 Additional Content Attribution

Video 2

DUANE HALBUR: Hi, Dr. Duane Halbur. And Linda, I’m really happy that you’ve come in to talk to me today, and was hoping you told me a little bit about what brought you in. LINDA: Thank you. It’s a relief to be here, so thank you for seeing me today. I appreciate you. DUANE HALBUR: You just feel relieved even getting in the door. LINDA: Yeah. DUANE HALBUR: OK, great. LINDA: I do. I do. My life is really good for the most part. DUANE HALBUR: For the most part. LINDA: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I’m married and I’ve got four children. And they are various ages. Elementary and middle and high school kids. And anyway, I’ve been married a long time. And I have been working like a full-time mom the whole time my kids have been growing up. And, you know, that’s all been great. I mean, I feel like I’ve had the perfect storybook life, happily married, great kids. Just everything’s great. DUANE HALBUR: So you really like what you have, and like where your life has come to. And I can tell as you sit there, you just feel very proud of where you’ve ended up. LINDA: Yeah, yeah, it’s great. My husband and I met during college and then he went to law school, and I went to law school. And we have separate law practices, but it’s been great. We live in a nice neighborhood, all that’s just been great, really. DUANE HALBUR: So it sounds like you have so much to be happy for. LINDA: Yeah, I do, I do. But I’ve kind of come to this crossroads. DUANE HALBUR: OK. © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 1 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 2 LINDA: And so that’s kind of– that’s why I’m here. DUANE HALBUR: Would you tell me some about what this crossroads looks like for you? LINDA: Yeah, yeah, I really need to talk to somebody. So anyway, this crossroads, I have decided– I hope you won’t laugh at me– but I have decided that I want to get a master’s degree in counseling. DUANE HALBUR: A master’s degree in counseling. LINDA: Yeah. DUANE HALBUR: OK. LINDA: Yeah. I want to leave my law office and go back to school and get a master’s degree in counseling. DUANE HALBUR: OK. And when you said it, you said it like, he’s going to be really surprised by this. LINDA: Yeah. Well because you’re a counselor and all. DUANE HALBUR: Because I’m a counselor, OK. LINDA: You might think was kind of funny that I tell you I’ve got this great life– DUANE HALBUR: Which you told me, yes. LINDA: Yeah. I mean, I’m a lawyer, very successful lawyer, and my husband’s a successful lawyer. DUANE HALBUR: So your husband’s a lawyer, you’re a lawyer, both successful already. LINDA: Yeah. DUANE HALBUR: Great kids, jobs have been well, and now you want to get a master’s degree in counseling. LINDA: Yeah, I do. I do. So that’s why I say I’m kind of at this crossroads. I feel that I need to change. And I feel like I could help more people, instead of just helping people with their legal problems. I’d like to help them with their other personal problems. So that’s what I want to do. © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 2 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 2 DUANE HALBUR: So it’s like you’re really excited for this venue that you haven’t even started yet. LINDA: Yeah. I really think it’s going to be just the best thing for me and for my family. I’m not sure my husband really thinks it’s the best thing. DUANE HALBUR: So you’re not sure that your husband is quite on board and quite as excited as you are about you moving forward with this? LINDA: Yeah. I think he’s just kind of thinking that I don’t really mean this. That I’m going to get over it. DUANE HALBUR: So he’s not very trusting this is real? LINDA: Well, He knows me well enough to know that when– that I’m pretty committed to doing something. But I think he thinks just a passing fancy. DUANE HALBUR: So he’s kind of thinking, ah, maybe this is just a phase. LINDA: Yeah. DUANE HALBUR: And you’re thinking, yeah, I’m willing to give up a successful practice. LINDA: Yeah. DUANE HALBUR: And change my entire career, and really it will impact the family, too. LINDA: Yeah, and the kids are OK with it. I’ve talked to them. And they have school counselors, and they’ve heard of counselors, mental health counselors, and so they kind of have an idea of what a counselor does helping people. And so they think that’s cool, if mom is a counselor. DUANE HALBUR: They think it’s kind of neat idea. LINDA: Yeah, they’re good with it. DUANE HALBUR: They’ve already got a lawyer parent, right? So now they would have a counselor parent. LINDA: Right, That’s what I think, too. But, yeah, I guess my husband is a little concerned, because we would be giving up a substantial salary. DUANE HALBUR: OK. © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 3 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 2 LINDA: So he’s tried to talk to me a little bit about that. Just the fact that it would be a financial burden. I mean, we do have some money saved, but that’s kind of like for the high school kids, because pretty soon they’ll be going off to college. And so– but I feel like I’ve contributed to that. DUANE HALBUR: Yeah, so part of you feels like you’ve contributed, but the other part of you, it sounds like you almost feel guilty that you might be doing this. LINDA: Hmm. You know, you might be right. I hadn’t thought about is as guilt. DUANE HALBUR: OK, well, what is a better feeling then? LINDA: No I, think that’s it. I think you’ve kind of said it there. I hadn’t realized it, but maybe I do feel a little guilty. I mean, in some ways, I feel like I’ve contributed, I’ve put money into the savings account. We’ve got a nice little nest egg. My husband says, well, you know, kind of like that’s not enough. It’s never enough. DUANE HALBUR: Yeah. And so what you just said there, you said, I have contributed. I’ve done my part. It’s like you’re trying to convince someone. And I am wondering is that you trying to convince me, your husband, or you? LINDA: Hmm. Well, that’s a good question. No, I’m pretty sure I’ve contributed. DUANE HALBUR: OK. LINDA: So maybe it is convincing my husband. The truth is, we’ve had a couple spats about it. DUANE HALBUR: OK. You say like you’re kind of surprised. Is this kind of the first spats, as you say, that you’ve been having? LINDA: Well, we’ve had typical things. But I think it’s just because I’m so passionate that I want to do this thing. And of course, he’s the more cautious type. DUANE HALBUR: So he’s the more kind of let’s think about what’s practical. And you’re saying, I want to think about what sounds like what you think might give you purpose. LINDA: Exactly. Exactly. DUANE HALBUR: So when the two of you come to kind of a spot where you don’t necessarily agree, how do you make decisions? © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 4 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 2 LINDA: Well, you know, we’re both lawyers. DUANE HALBUR: I can imagine. LINDA: We both present our case. DUANE HALBUR: Present your case, sure. LINDA: Yes, and we try to reach a consensus. I mean, we’ve had a good marriage, and we’ve really not had major issues. But I do like when I win. I do like that win. DUANE HALBUR: You do like to win. LINDA: Or I like it when he does, too, but we usually can agree on things. But this time, it seems like he’s pretty convinced that this is, like you said, like a fanciful idea, that it’s going to pass. And it’s not going to pass. DUANE HALBUR: OK. And do you do you feel a little dismissed then, when he says it’s just sort of a phase? LINDA: Yeah, yeah. DUANE HALBUR: Because it doesn’t sound like– the way you talk about it, it doesn’t sound like it’s just a phase for you. LINDA: Yeah, it’s not a phase. And maybe it is a little feeling of him dismissing me. You know, because I think it’s a great idea. And, yeah, he doesn’t seem to be invested in it. DUANE HALBUR: So you’re sort of hurt that he can’t get behind this in the way you’d like him to? LINDA: Yeah, it does kind of hurt a little bit, because like I said, I feel like I’ve been supportive of him. And so maybe I do feel a little hurt, and thinking, you know, I’ve done all these things. I’ve worked, even when the kids were little. I mean, a couple of them are still little. And yet, he just feels like I should keep going in the direction I’m going. DUANE HALBUR: OK so you sort of feel like, I really worked hard for the kids. I really worked hard for my career. I’ve balanced all of this. And now I kind of want to do something just for me. But yet, you’re not feeling that he necessarily supports that, yet, anyway. LINDA: Well, I think he thinks it’s something just for me. But you see, I see it as– © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 5 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 2 DUANE HALBUR: You don’t see it that way LINDA: –a bigger picture. I see it as really getting out there and doing good for people that need help. DUANE HALBUR: So you really see this as a way to give to the community. LINDA: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we’ve made a lot of money. We’re both lawyers and we both done well. And so now I think it’s time where I could give back something. So for me, it is. It’s a giving back. And he doesn’t seem to be invested in that. DUANE HALBUR: OK. So for you, it’s almost kind of a higher purpose, in the fact that you feel like you’ve really been blessed, and you had this really neat attitude of recognizing all the special things that you guys have had. And now it’s time to give back to others. It’s time to meet the community, it’s time to give back to people. LINDA: That’s it. That’s what I want to do. So I guess when I think about this, like I said, it’s very exciting to think about this. And it’s just that this thing with my husband, and the financial aspect is– DUANE HALBUR: Because this isn’t going to make you more money, which you have said, and he’s quite aware of. LINDA: Yeah, it’s money. I mean, I say, it’s money, and for him, it seems like that. But for me, it is kind of sad that he doesn’t feel my passion. DUANE HALBUR: OK. So you feel hurt that he doesn’t quite feel that passion. But I’m wondering, you said that you guys make cases back and forth, right? LINDA: Mm-hmm. DUANE HALBUR: What’s the case you’ve made to him? LINDA: Just that. That I feel it’s kind of like a moral obligation, or I feel like it’s just something that I just feel like it’s time for me to give back and do more. And so he just doesn’t see it that way. He just doesn’t recognize my passion for this. I think that’s what it is. DUANE HALBUR: OK. LINDA: That makes me sad. DUANE HALBUR: That part does. © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 6 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 2 LINDA: Yeah. DUANE HALBUR: Yeah. So it seems like you would really like him to have the same belief that you have. You want him to see things the way you see things. LINDA: Yeah. Yeah, that’s true. That’s true, yeah. DUANE HALBUR: You didn’t like that statement very much. LINDA: Well, I was thinking about it. Yeah, it didn’t feel too good to think I just want my way. DUANE HALBUR: Because that’s what you heard, OK. LINDA: Yeah. But in reality, if I really think about it, I guess that’s– I want him to be happy and do what I want do. DUANE HALBUR: OK. Well, it sounds like you also want him to just be happy for you. LINDA: Yeah. Yeah, I want us to have a good life, and I want us to continue on with our happy marriage and happy family, and all that. And I think it feels a little bit like it’s jeopardized at this point, because he doesn’t share the same vision. DUANE HALBUR: OK. LINDA: Yeah. DUANE HALBUR: So in some ways, you feel like, with you pursuing this, that you guys go in different directions. LINDA: Yeah, and I don’t want that. I really don’t. So how can I fix that? How can I resolve this? DUANE HALBUR: So what do you think you need to do before you can make a decision like that? LINDA: That’s why I came to me you. DUANE HALBUR: You want me to fix it, huh? LINDA: Yeah. Because I just don’t quite know how to do it. I know I’ve presented- – like I said, I presented why I think it’s a good idea. DUANE HALBUR: Your case to him. © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 7 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 2 LINDA: He’s presented why he thinks it’s a good idea for me not to do this. And so now I’m just at a lost. That’s back to the crossroads. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where to go. DUANE HALBUR: Yeah. And part of what I’ve heard is, as you’ve talked, you’ve said, we’re sort of not on the same page, right? But I’ve only heard you say we’re not on the same page about this one thing. You know, it still sounds like you’re on the same page about your relationship, your family, and so how much on the same page do you have to be for you to think your marriage is OK? LINDA: Hmm. That’s a good question. I just don’t know. Maybe it goes back to I just want him to be happy with what I’m going to do. And maybe that’s unrealistic. DUANE HALBUR: So you think it might be unrealistic for him to be as happy about this as you are. LINDA: Yeah. Yep. That’s it. DUANE HALBUR: And that is what you’d like to see changed. LINDA: Yeah. I mean, I want him to be happy for me. I want us to be happy and so I guess that’s what it would be like in a perfect world. DUANE HALBUR: Mm-hmm. In a perfect world, right. But is this a perfect marriage? LINDA: Oh, no. DUANE HALBUR: No. OK. LINDA: I’m pretty realistic. I mean, nothing’s perfect, right? DUANE HALBUR: But it sounds like it’s been a wonderful marriage. LINDA: It is. DUANE HALBUR: And a satisfying marriage. LINDA: Yeah. DUANE HALBUR: And you know I’m stepping out on a limb here, but it doesn’t sound like this is something that is stretching your marriage beyond what you guys have gotten through before. LINDA: That’s right. You’re correct. Yeah. Yeah. And maybe it’s not even that big of a problem. © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 8 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding to Client Statements 2 DUANE HALBUR: Because– can I ask a question? Does he seem unhappy now that you’ve decided to do this? LINDA: More just worried, I think. Not so much unhappy. He’s just worried. DUANE HALBUR: OK. So it almost sounds like it’s less that he’s angry, and more that he wants to protect you. LINDA: I hadn’t thought of it like that at all. Yeah. DUANE HALBUR: What’s it like to think of it that way instead? LINDA: Well, that feels kind of nice. To think that he would just be worried about me. And want me to be successful. Because that’s kind of nice. I mean, that’s– DUANE HALBUR: Sounds kind of nice, doesn’t it? LINDA: That’s kind of who he is, really. DUANE HALBUR: So it’s even concurrent with who he is? LINDA: Yeah. DUANE HALBUR: Yeah. LINDA: Gosh, I just– I hadn’t even thought of it that way at all. DUANE HALBUR: Well, let’s hope it’s that way, since it sounds nicer to you. LINDA: Yeah, it does sound better. Sounds better, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. DUANE HALBUR: Well I really do appreciate you coming in. And I know you really like to have a quick answer. But I think this is something we can continue to work on. LINDA: Can we, I can come back? DUANE HALBUR: Come back in. Of course. LINDA: That’d be great. DUANE HALBUR: All right, thank you. LINDA: Thank you. I appreciate it. DUANE HALBUR: You’re welcome. © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 9 Demonstration of Counseling Skills – Responding t

Sample Solution

Jane Ciabattari wrote in that contemporary fantasy writers can’t escape from Tolkien’s shadow, she argues that the fundamentals in The two series are similar. In each series the plot consists of a “ticking time bomb”, ‘The One Ring’ in The Lord of the Ring and ‘Winter is coming’ which is the line that introduces the action in Martin’s creation. Moreover, they both offer diversion through fantastical elements like dragons, elves and dire wolves while writing scenes that bring to mind Shakespearean history plays, intersecting sword fighting with sophisticated dialogue, false accusations of treachery and beheadings as both relied upon Britain’s brutal past, particularly medieval history and Anglo-Saxons literature. Even though Tolkien’s vision of good and evil is clearly presented as it is inspired by the world wars of the 20th century, Martin’s view is regarded as better suited to this period of overlapping and interconnecting struggles for the series induce more familiar strains in a phase when office politics and personal associations are sometimes spiteful and revenge causing.

About the books

George R.R. Martin series of A Song of Ice and Fire , famously known nowadays by the collective name Game of Thrones has become a worldly phenomenon selling more than 70 million copies all over the world as being translated into 47 languages according to the Guardian .The book collection consists of five novels starting with A Game of Thrones (1996), A Clash of Kings (1998), A Storm of Swords ( 2000),A Feast for Crows (2005), and A Dance with Dragons (2011) with two forthcoming novels entitled by The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring.
The books start with maps illustrating the regions where the fantasy takes plac

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