

Part 1
Create an environment, that provides a legal and ethical platform in which to practice ethical hacking.

Create a virtual lab to include the following VMs:
Kioptrix 1
Kioptrix 2
Metasploitable 2

Part 2
Explain and list the phases of well-organized cyber operations and describe the goals and objectives of each phase in detail. Include the following stages of a cyber operation:

Target Identification
Gaining Access
Hiding Presence
Establishing Persistence

Sample Solution

The Metasploitable virtual machine is a deliberately vulnerable version of Ubuntu Linux that may be used to test security tools and demonstrate common flaws. This virtual machine’s version 2 is now available for download, and it contains even more vulnerabilities than the initial image. VMWare, VirtualBox, and other popular virtualization platforms are all compatible with this virtual machine. The network interfaces of Metasploitable are connected to the NAT and Host-only network adapters by default, and the image should never be exposed to a hostile network. Many of the security issues in the Metasploitable 2 image are detailed in this publication. Documentation for the web server and web application is currently unavailable.

hey are involved in creating own projects, such as creating reports, Power point presentation or video productions (Figg and Mchartney 2010; Elam et al 2012).

Vygotsky’s and Bandura’s theories provide educators with guidance on how to use technology in teaching and learning. . Learning occurs within a social environment, and technology can be used to facilitate social interaction and communication among learners in class, within a school, between schools and around the world (Eady and Lockyer 2013). Collaboration is also deep-rooted in Vygotsky’s theory of learning. He believed that in group-based learning there is a natural social nature of learning .Vygotsky proposed the notion of the zone of proximal development, which in essence is the difference between a learner’s independent ability and what can be accomplished cognitively with guided support from others who are more knowledgeable. This means that teachers have an important role in facilitating and scaffolding collaborative learning (Eady and Lockyer 2013).

Similarly, Mayer (2008) suggested that digital learning resources support information processing by helping students to develop mental representations through the mix of media elements presented to them. Digital learning resources include content and, sometimes, learning activities. These combine multimedia elements such as text, image, video and audio to present information. Research on multimedia learning have demonstrated more positive outcomes for students who learn from resources that effectively combine words and pictures, rather than those that include words alone (Mayer, 2008).


However, there are a number of challenges coming from concerns about how digital technologies are used in learning. Harris et al (2009) argue that current use of technology tends to be focused on skills required by teachers to integrate these in their classrooms, rather than students’ learning needs. Also, Burden and Atkinson (2008) suggests that most digital technologies in use in the classroom

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