Methods to Develop a Research Chart



In the corresponding section, provide the name(s) of the method you reviewed, its primary use and when it should be used, strengths and limitations of the method, ethical considerations, and one example of when the method could be used (include your interests or something more general).
Length: Updated research chart, not including title and reference pages. Be sure to cite this week’s resources used in your assignment.
Week 3 – Assignment 2: Conduct SPSS in Focus
For this assignment, you will extend your examination of the between-subjects experimental method into two hands-on activities. Referring to page 286and the SPSS in Focus: Two-Independent-Sample t-Test in your text, follow the steps for conducting this analysis. Then, on page 292, follow the steps provided for the SPSS in Focus: One-Way between Subjects ANOVA.
Week 3 – Assignment 3: Document Weekly Reflections
For this week’s reflection, consider the following points:
• Explain the research situations that may require you to use between-subjects experimental methods (be sure to give examples/be specific).
• Examine the limitations and benefits learned about these methods and their use.
• Analyze any ethical considerations with implementing these methods.
• Reflect on your experience with this week’s SPSS activity.
• Include any questions you may have for your professor.

Sample Solution

Between-subjects experimental methods are used to compare the effects of different treatments on two or more distinct groups of subjects. This type of research is typically used in cases where it is not possible or ethical to administer multiple treatments to the same subject (Kirk, 2018). For example, in a study comparing the effectiveness of two different types of therapy for depression, a between-subjects experiment could be conducted by randomly assigning half the participants to receive one type of treatment while the other half receives another treatment.

The main benefit associated with using between-subjects experiments lies in its ability to establish cause and effect relationships between variables. Since each individual only receives one treatment and cannot act as their own control, any differences observed between groups can be attributed directly to those treatments without confounding factors skewing results (Bless & Schwarz 2006). Additionally, because there are no carryover effects from one group receiving a particular treatment, less time may be needed overall compared to within-subject designs since fewer total trials must be run.

On the other hand, between-subjects experiments also have several potential limitations that must be taken into consideration when designing this type of study. One such limitation is that these studies cannot account for individual or environmental differences that might influence participant responses which could lead to inaccurate results (Kirk 2018). Another issue includes the possibility of order effects if different types of treatments are administered sequentially rather than simultaneously (Bless & Schwarz 2006). Finally, unlike within-subject designs where all participants receive every condition being tested , certain populations may not participate due to only being offered one specific option .

In summary , Between – subjects experimental methods provide researchers with an effective way to measure cause and effect relationships amongst variables but are often limited by their inability accounting for individual/environmental variability and order effects . As such , it is important for researchers conducting this type of study carefully consider these potential drawbacks when designing their experiments.

e are two types of workforce planning: hard and soft. CIPD (2018) Hard workforce planning is based on quantitative analysis, predicting how many employees, with what skills, are expected to be needed. Soft workforce planning ‘is more explicitly focused on creating and shaping the culture of the organisation so that there is a clear integration between corporate goals and employee values, beliefs and behaviors’ (Marchington and Wilkinson, 1996). It’s about finding a strategy within which information can be considered. The CIPD note the main stages of workforce planning to be: understanding the organisation and the operating environment, analysis of the workforce, determining future workforce needs, identifying gaps in the workforce, developing an action plan, and monitoring and evaluating action plans and solutions. Workforce planning aligns the strategic and business planning process with hiring and retention planning. When workforce planning is properly implemented, it can have many benefits. It can help identify issues early to avoid disruptions and costs. It can also help to identify roles and shortage of talent in the organisation, in order to fill the roles. An example of this is when an organisation is looking to expand their workforce and they can identify what sort of employees they need in order to make the expansion properly. Another advantage of workforce planning is that it can help an organisation retain employees. For example, if there is high turnover in a certain department, workforce planning can help an organisation find the cause of that certain turnover and put strategies in place to prevent it and retain employees. Furthermore, another advantage of workforce planning is that it can help avoid delays or disruptions that can have a negative effect on business profits.

Nonetheless, there are disadvantages of workforce planning. For example, the future is uncertain and there are many external factors that can have an affect on the employment opportunities, such as technological, political and cultural factors. Therefore, organisations cannot rely on workface planning. A further disadvantage of workforce planning is that it is time-consuming: organisations need to acquire all sorts of information and personal requirements of the workforce and then find suitable solutions. The

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