Microorganisms and viruses that cause disease as well as their treatments and presence within the population.


Module 5 covers microorganisms and viruses that cause disease as well as their treatments and presence within the population. This is a two part assignment. You will be required to complete the following three tasks:

Write your own, original case study. Use the criteria listed below to guide you through the requirements and technique of writing a case study. It must be posted inside the discussion board and cannot be an attachment. If you do not know how to make sure your case is inside the text box and not attached contact your instructor for assistance.
Reply to another student with the solution to their case study, including the criteria listed under Part 2.
Post Your Own Case Study
Introduction and Background
Patient history
travel history
food history
time and place of illness onset
any events attended or other possible exposures
any all patients associated with the case should have a brief patient history included, even if they are a group.
Presentation of Findings
A minimum of three signs and symptoms being presented by the patient (chills, fever, vomiting, white cell abnormal counts, sore throat, other test results you learn about that may contribute information to the identification of the disease but do not use a test result that is specific to the pathogen). Example, a CBC or DWC (whole blood count or differential white count) numbers can be provided and stated as abnormal, but do not list a positive reaction on a strep A test. (The strep test is specific and would give away the case whereas the blood tests would be helpful but less specific).
Describe 2 test results that were used to help understand what was happening to the patient. The full name of the test, how the test works and what the results were for the patient.
You may NOT use any test that was described in the BC microbiology lab. You will need to learn about diagnostic tests that are currently used in hospital labs.
Describe a suggested or applied course of treatment. What medications were prescribed and why. State if the medications helped or did not help.
Describe any non-medication treatments
Case studies should be no more than three paragraphs. It should be direct and to the point but include all the information listed in Part 1.

You may select any of the following pathogen types for to create your own ORIGINAL case study.

Parasitic Protozoan
DO NOT PROVIDE THE ANSWER TO YOUR CASE STUDY!!!! After posting your own case study, you will be required to respond to another student with the answer to their case study. PLEASE DO NOT solve more than one case study. Each student is required to solve one, so please do not attempt more than one. You are not required to list sources in the original case study but are required in the reply post in Part 2.

Solving a Case Study
The following criteria must be met in your solution to another students case:

Name of pathogen causing the disease
Describe the evidence in the case study that led you to your conclusion
Provide a recommended course of treatment

Sample Solution

Here are three signs and symptoms that a patient may present with, along with two test results that can be used to help understand what is happening to the patient, excluding any test results that are specific to a pathogen:

Signs and symptoms:

  • Fever: A fever is a body temperature that is higher than normal. A normal body temperature for adults is between 97.5 and 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit (36.5 and 37.5 degrees Celsius). A fever can be caused by a number of things, including infections, inflammation, and certain medications.
  • White blood cell count: A white blood cell count is a test that measures the number of white blood cells in the blood. White blood cells are part of the immune system and help to fight infection. A high white blood cell count can be a sign of infection or inflammation.
  • Sore throat: A sore throat is pain or scratchiness in the throat. It can be caused by a number of things, including infections, allergies, and dry air.

Test results:

  • Complete blood count (CBC): A CBC is a test that measures the different types of blood cells in the body, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. A CBC can be used to diagnose a variety of conditions, including infections, anemia, and leukemia.
  • Differential white blood cell count: A differential white blood cell count is a test that measures the different types of white blood cells in the blood. It can be used to help diagnose infections and other conditions that affect the white blood cells.


A 30-year-old male patient presents with a fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 degrees Celsius), a white blood cell count of 15,000 cells/mm3 (normal range: 4,500-11,000 cells/mm3), and a sore throat. The patient has no other significant medical history and is not taking any medications.

The patient’s signs and symptoms are suggestive of an infection. The CBC and differential white blood cell count results are also consistent with an infection. The elevated white blood cell count indicates that the body is fighting an infection. The differential white blood cell count can help to identify the type of infection.

In this case, the patient’s differential white blood cell count shows a neutrophilia, which is an increase in the number of neutrophils. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that fights infection. A neutrophilia is typically seen in bacterial infections.

Based on the patient’s signs, symptoms, and test results, the most likely diagnosis is a bacterial infection. The patient may be given antibiotics to treat the infection.

It is important to note that this is just one example. There are many other possible causes of fever, white blood cell count abnormalities, and sore throat. A thorough medical history and physical examination are essential for diagnosing the underlying cause of these signs and symptoms.


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