Tina Nelson delivered a healthy male infant 6 hours ago. She had a midline episiotomy. This is her third pregnancy. She is now a G3P3003. She had an epidural block for her labor and delivery. She is now admitted to the postpartum unit.
1. What is important to note in the initial postpartum assessment? Include at least 5 assessments. Why is it important to assess for these things and what do the findings mean?
2. What are potential indications of a postpartum hemorrhage? List at least three indications.
3. What would you do if you found a boggy uterus?
4. What are the normal dose range and administration routes for oxytocin?
a. Induction/Stimulation of Labor:
b. Postpartum Hemorrhage:
c. Incomplete/Inevitable Abortion:
5. What are the contraindication, side effects, and adverse effects of oxytocin?
6. Complete the following dosage calculation:
a. The physician has ordered 1000 mL Lactated Ringers (LR) with 10 units IV oxytocin. Begin at 1 mU/min and then increase by 1 mU/min every 30 minutes until regular contractions occur. Maximum dose is 20 mU/min.
i. What is the beginning IV rate in mL/hr?
ii. What is the maximum IV rate in mL/hr?
7. What is the indication for Methergine, and what is a normal dose?
a. What are contraindications for Methergine?
b. What are the adverse reactions or possible side effects for Methergine?
8. What interventions would you anticipate in the event of a postpartum hemorrhage (independent and dependent nursing interventions)? List at least 5 interventions in order of priority.
Midline episiotomy
The weeks following birth are a critical period for a woman and her infant, setting the stage for long-term health and well-being. to optimize the health of women and infants, postpartum care should become an ongoing process, rather than a single encounter, with services and support tailored to each woman`s individual needs. The comprehensive postpartum visit should include a full assessment of physical, social, and psychological well-being, including the following domains: mood and emotional well-being; infant care and feeding; sexuality, contraception, and birth spacing; sleep and fatigue; physical recovery from birth; the chronic disease management; and health maintenance.
erm efficiency. Anyway there are critical issues with gathering people as such, especially when assignments become more perplexing, and eventually the model ought to essentially be utilized for checking the advancement of gatherings (Pettinger, 2007). Figure 3: Belbin’s Team Roles (PrePearl Training Development, 2019) A more useful methodology of collection people is to use Belbin’s Team Theory (Belbin, 2017). Belbin distinguishes 9 key jobs that should be satisfied inside a gathering to guarantee a good outcome, the jobs are summed up in Figure 3. The jobs cover a wide range of abilities that should be available inside a gathering to guarantee a good outcome, and becomes fundamental when assignments are extensive and complex. Associations can track down the Belbin jobs every individual fits through a poll, and along these lines adjusted gatherings can be framed covering every one of the jobs. Nonetheless, as with Fiedler’s possibility model, the hypothesis when meant practice can frequently turn out to be exceptionally unrealistic for associations to routinely carry out. This is generally in light of the fact that the association is compelled by the characters of their representatives, their might be a wealth of one character type and a shortfall of another, the main arrangement is to recruit remotely to fill the missing jobs inside groups. This can bring about a broad finance for an association and colossal monetary ramifications as they can’t legitimately excuse worker’s assuming they have an excessive number of one character type. The significance of Belbin jobs in a group became obvious for Group 1 on the principal day of the open air administration course, the gathering had 5 individuals who filled the completer finisher and practitioner jobs, but had nobody filling the asset examiner or screen evaluator job, the gathering used up all available time and didn’t get done with the job effectively. Clearly using up all available time was not the sole reason for the gatherings disappointment, but in the event that somebody had been checking time and execution, the gathering might have understood their choice was impossible and might have tracked down an elective arrangement. One answer for absence of Belbin jobs is to appoint explicit jobs to people, this was carried out vigorously on the open air administration course for jobs apparent to be fundamental for progress, for example, time keeping. This strategy works for basic errands, but for complex undertakings the person with the relegated liability can frequently become charmed in the assignment and fail to remember their job, or the inverse turning out to be excessively immersed with the obligation they