Mobile phones are changing the way that news is consumed


Mobile phones are changing the way that news is consumed, but also the ways in which news is being produced’. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Support your argument with relevant

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Mobile phones are changing the way that news is consumed

Mobile phones are a crucial piece of equipment changing not only the way readers and viewers consume the news today but also sometimes the way the content is being produced. There was a moment in the recent history of journalism when mobile journalism seemed to be the next big thing. The peak of this type of media production content came during the 2005 London bombing. Mobile devices allow users to keep ubiquitously connected to the internet. Consequently, they change the reception of information by faster access, greater timeliness, and new media usage contexts. At the same time, many traditional media organizations already produce content for mobile websites and apps in line with cross-media strategies.

false confession (Costanzo, Krauss, & Pezdek, 2006). Anyone can become susceptible under the right conditions (Wright, 2007).

Multiple approaches for an interrogation are used by the police. First of all, there is the direct questioning. This one is simple: as the name reveals, it’s about asking direct questions towards the crime. A second method is the information-gathering approach: the suspect is given the chance to tell their side of the story, often open-ended questions are asked. The goal is truth seeking. There is also an accusatorial approach. This one differs a lot from the information-gathering approach because the police will try to manipulate the suspect and be very confrontational. Unlike the previous one, the interrogators try to obtain a confession and this is why they will be very confirmatory (Meissner et al., 2014). The focus lies furthermore on the looks of the suspect: the more nervous or anxious he looks, the guiltier he seems according to this method. According to the research results of Meissner et al. (2014), information-gathering is better at obtaining a confession compared with direct questioning, but that the accusatorial approach increases both true and false confessions.

Results of the experiments by Perillo and Kassin (2011) indicate that bluffing has the same effects as the presentation of false evidence. They also imply that these confessions made because of bluffing are not likely to be detected by the interrogators of judges.

The well-known ‘Reid technique’ is often used during an interrogation. It’s a method where the police will use false evidence and reduce the anxiety associated with confessing by misleading the individual and making him believe he will get mercy, even when it’s not directly promised. This is a minimization strategy. The essence of this technique is that the suspect will make a rational cost-benefit analysis. The problem comes forth when false evidence is shown: if the innocent suspect thinks he will

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