Review the following readings: “Modern Theater, 1880−1945”; the play Miss Julie and its preface by August
Strindberg; The Intruder by Maurice Maeterlinck; the selection of futurist plays; and the writings on futurism by
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. I am sending them right now.
In the selection of futurist play, I added just the plays selected to me.
You have to do the Essay based on the following questions: How would you characterize Miss Julie, The
Intruder and the futurist plays in relation to the modern theater movements during the historical period? What
would you consider to be their most important contributions to the making of theatre?
Web based life language is another marvels in our general public and it has been achieved by the pervasiveness of long range informal communication destinations which have realized new channels of correspondence. At the focal point of the language utilized via web-based networking media is morphology as new words are being framed and utilized on informal communities and further presented in consistently utilized language and with that brought into standard lexicons. There are various points of view in the meaning of the term ‘morphology’, which is a piece of the focal point of this examination. As Aronoff and Fudeman (2011:11) characterize Morphology as the psychological framework associated with word arrangement or to the part of etymology that manages words, their interior structure, and how they are shaped. Furthermore, Booji (2005:5) characterizes morphology as the sub-order of semantics that, manages the information on systematical connection between the structure and importance of words. In an alternate point of view, Deutscher (2006:1) states that language is humankind’s most prominent development. In any case, in further review, Deutscher calls attention to that language was never concocted. Deutscher contends that language experiences a few procedures development, advancement, refinenement and rot. This prompts the implying that when words are shaped in any language, they don’t hold the first morphology however are refined with time to serve the open needs of the social gathering that is utilizing that specific language. Morphology associates with different areas of etymology. This is to show that morphology doesn’t exist in disconnection of language specialists. To begin with, we have the manner by which morphology connects with phonology. Stekauer et al. (2007) claims that the morphological cosmetics of words expedites impressive impact its articulation, that is the thing that makes a few words simpler to articulate than others, Second, which is imperative to the subject of this investigation is the relationship morphology keeps up with another part of phonetics, semantics. Perfetti and Verhoeven (2011:461) state that kids approach new words as a rule by investigating them into their constituent parts and that over the span of tutoring, youngsters’ capacity to fragment and control morphemes inside complex words increments significantly. Third, there is an interface among morphology and sentence structure. Junghanns and Szucsich (2003:25) state that inflectional morphology results from syntactic activities.
Language doesn’t keep up its unique type of words and thus neologisms are consistently shaped. Brinton (2000:4) composes that enunciation is the alteration of a word to express extraordinary linguistic classes, for example, tense, mind-set, voice, perspective, individual, number, sex and case. He gives a case of the Latin action word ‘ducam’ – signifying “I will lead” which incorporates the postfix – am, communicating individual (first), number (particular) and tense (future). This examination will concentrate on such neologisms that are ceaselessly being framed on the web based life stages Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Gem (1999) declares that deduction is the way toward framing new words based on existing words which regularly ivolves the increases of morphemes as a fasten.
Akuna (2012) diagrams that neologisms are shaped by decrease of components, for example, truncations, backformation and shortenings, among different procedures. Akunna includes that there are likewise neologisms that outcome from semantic change, coinages, transformation or advances. This exploration will concentrate on semantic things, some of which have been gotten from existing words. Morphology, in this sense, is subsequently helpful to language specialists, since with the methods for morphology we can pursue the birth and rise procedure of any new word. Morphology offers ascend to neologisms and since this investigation will be centered around them, it is imperative to inspect the quantity of meanings of the term ‘neologism’. What’s more, since the investigation will give fundamental concentration to the neologism that ascent on the web based life stages, in this way, I will give clarification of the different definitions on the terms ‘online life’ with respect to the Internet and Internet devices that are utilized in our regular day to day existence.
1.1. Explanation of the issue
Having concentrated on the foundation of the investigation, this subsection of the section will put a focus on the announcement of the issue to draw out the data hole and to demonstrate the criticalness to fill it. The ascent in the utilization of internet based life has gotten a parallel ascent the production of neologisms that are selective to Facbook, Twitter and Instagram endorsers, their updates, post and channels. These new shortenings, word phrases and ‘hastags’ are framed from an assortment of procedures that the supporter and internet based life clients may not know about, since by and by there is once in a while any file of such neologisms and the all inclusive community may not be even mindful that neologisms all things considered exist. By depicting the neologisms that have risen on the web-based social networking stages with the examples of creation that they show, the examination introspects these new phonetic wonders. The neologisms that this examination expects to decay, are accepted to have a place with various classifications that are not known by and by. This examination orders the neologisms from internet based life with the goal to find word classes that different neologisms have a place with. Web based life neologisms are thought to be shaped from an assortment of morphological procedures, for example, intensifying, shortened form, coinage, cutting and reduplication. By deciding these procedures, just as staying into the semantic significance of the neologisms this investigation may have fill this data hole.
1.2. Study point and destinations
On the off chance that thinking about the English jargon as a versatile framework, it is effectively adjusted to the various changes in human interchanges, social needs and new condition, in order to be fit for another utilization. To communicate we pick words that can definitely pass on the entirety of our sentiments and contemplations from existing load of words. On the off chance that this is difficult to discover such word that can fit the circumstance, individuals would make new one. At the point when changes demonstrate to be valuable in the language, they remain in the jargon. New thoughts always appear so as to name new things, or, some of the time, old words are substituted by new words for things that continue to exist. Along these lines, the quantity of words in language isn’t perpetual, it generally fluctuates. The passageway of new words in the vocabularies, when in doubt is more than their decrease. Clearly it is difficult to foresee the destiny of neologisms because of the way that some of them stay in jargon and are acknowledged by individuals for an extensive stretch of time, while others are brief and quickly vanish from the language. When acknowledged, they may fill in as a reason for further creation. ‘Zip’ (an imitative word meaning specific sort of clasp) is never again another word, yet its subsidiaries the action word structure “to zip’ ( to quit talking, or to hurdle starting with one then onto the next spot), the relating individual thing zipper and the descriptor zippy – have all the earmarks of being neologisms (Arnold 1986). The procedure of creation of new words is absolutely associated with word-building. Together with getting, word-building influences the jargon of English language by enhancing and augmenting it. There are a few sorts of word-development: echoism, reduplication, back-arrangement, shortening, appendage, piece and change – which will all be additionally clarified with regards to web based life neologisms in the further parts of this investigation.
As the fundamental point of this examination proposal is to break down late neologisms impacted by the mass utilization of web-based social networking and recognizing their assertion arrangement forms and their semantic importance, it is theorized that internet based life is the point of convergence of starting new words into English jargon. In this way, this work would do an investigation into all word-development implies and semantic importance to decide the gainful methods for shaping new words that have as of late showed up in the English language.
The destinations of this examination would include:
1. To characterize the internet based life neologisms to uncover their implications, word-classes and development forms
2. To closer view the word-development procedures and word-classes of every one of the web-based social networking neologisms
3. To offer a response to which word development procedure and which word-class are generally regular among web based life neologisms.
1.3. Legitimization and criticalness of the Study
The inspiration of contemplating internet based life stages and the language utilized on them is that these are a type of new media and are getting a charge out of broad notoriety around the world. The examination will profit etymologists since web based life stages, for example, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have extraordinary etymological examples and propensities. Another purpose behind contemplating precisely these three web based life stages, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, is on the grounds that they are the main interpersonal organization locales which appreciate in excess of 500 million dynamic clients who connect on the stages day by day to encourage and continuous discourse utilizing assortment of highlights, for example, sites, talks, statuses, channels, composing remarks, answering tweets and utilizing specifies and hashtags. The discoveries of this investigation will be of significance to language specialists who are keen on the commitment of internet based life to neologisms. Gontsarova (2013: 2), after examination of a few media sites, expresses that with the improvement of science and innovation, numerous new words show up in the language and that the language jargon is changing constantly at a speeding up. The discoveries of this investigation will show the commitment of web based life stages to morphology when all is said in done. Hidup (2011) says that long range interpersonal communication destinations, for example, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Linkedin have contributed new words to the English language and that these locales get new measurements structure, which means and utilization of specific words. We ought to likewise make reference to that language, doesn’t exist in segregation (Yule, 2006